uconn health

Elements of an Audit

Roles and Responsibilities

The following items will be reviewed to understand the roles and responsibilities of the research team as they relate to financial compliance and clinical research:

  • Budget workbook
  • Delineation of PIC and RC
  • Adherence to UConn Health policies
    1. Opening a clinical trial
    2. Identifying research patients
    3. Verirification of Continuous Monitoring Process (CMP) by study staff

Compliance/Case Review

  1. Assessment of compliance with (UConn Health) policies:
    • Research patient billing policies and procedures
    • Identification of inpatient and outpatient services
    • Designation of PIC and RC
    • Opening a clinical trial
    • Correct billing procedure for charges
    • Identification of errors and corrective plan of action
    • Review may also include
      1. Documentation of research intervention
      2. Subject accrual
      3. Review of research records
      4. Review of clinic/medical records
  2. Assessment of compliance with State of Connecticut regulations and laws relevant to billing of patients on clinical trials.
  3. Assessment of compliance with federal regulations and laws relevant to billing of patients on clinical trials.

Informed Consent

  1. Confirm consistency between contract, protocol and approved informed consent as it relates to financial compliance.
  2. Confirm consistency between informed consent and actual patient charges as it relates to financial compliance.
  3. Review may also include:
    1. Dates of approval and start of research
    2. Changes in protocol

Federal Regulations

The field of human subjects research is governed by several sets of regulations. Links to relevant sections of the code of federal regulations (CFR) and a brief description of the purpose of the regulation are provided below. The IRB forms and checklists are designed to address the requirements of these regulations and aid investigators and study personnel in ensuring compliance.

45 CFR  46 – Protection of Human Subjects (Office for Human Research Protections)
Subpart A of this regulation is often referred to as The Common Rule because several agencies abide by it. Subpart A is titled Basic HHS Policy for Protection of Human Research Subjects. Some of the key elements addressed within 45 CFR 46 include the following:

  • IRB membership
  • IRB functions and operations
  • IRB review of research
  • Expedited review procedures
  • Criteria for IRB approval
  • General requirements for informed consent
  • Documentation of informed consent

Subparts B, C and D address the additional protections required for vulnerable populations. Subpart B addresses additional protections for pregnant women, human fetuses and neonates. Subpart C addresses additional protections for prisoners. Subpart D addresses additional protections for children.  The requirements of this regulation apply to all non-exempt federally funded human subject research.  At UConn Health this regulation is also the guiding premise for approval of non-exempt, non-federally funded research that is not subject to FDA regulations.

21 CFR 50 – Protection of Human Subjects (Food and Drug Administration (FDA))
This regulation applies to all clinical investigations regulated by the Food and Drug Administration under sections 505(i) and 520(g) of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, as well as clinical investigations that support applications for research or marketing permits for products regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, including foods, including dietary supplements, that bear a nutrient content claim or a health claim, infant formulas, food and color additives, drugs for human use, medical devices for humans use, biological products for human use and electronic products. This regulation consists of Subparts A, B and D. Subpart A addresses general provisions of the regulation, e.g. scope and definitions. Subpart B addresses informed consent of human subjects. Subpart D address the additional protections for children. Some of the key elements addressed within Subpart B include the following:

  • General requirements of informed consent
  • Exceptions from the general requirements
  • Exceptions from informed consent requirements for emergency research
  • Elements of informed consent
  • Documentation of informed consent

21 CFR 56 – Institutional Review Boards (FDA)
This regulation addresses several of the same key elements as 45 CFR 46, including:

  • IRB membership
  • IRB functions and operations
  • IRB review of research
  • Expedited review procedures
  • Criteria for IRB approval

21 CFR 54 – Financial Disclosure by Clinical Investigators (FDA)
The requirements in this part apply to any applicant who submits a marketing application for a human drug, biological product, or device and who submits covered clinical studies. The applicant is responsible for making the appropriate certification or disclosure statement where the applicant either contracted with one or more clinical investigators to conduct the studies or submitted studies conducted by others not under contract to the applicant. Some of the key elements addressed include:

  • Certification and disclosure requirements
  • Agency evaluation of financial interests
  • Recordkeeping and record retention

21 CFR 210 and -211 – Good Manufacturing Practices (FDA)
These regulations set forth the minimum standard for manufacturing, processing, packing or holding of drugs.

21 CFR 312 – Investigational New Drug Application (FDA)
This regulation applies to all clinical investigations of products that are subject to section 505 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act or to the licensing provisions of the Public Health Service Act. Key elements addressed within the regulation include:

  • Subpart A – General Provision (e.g. Scope, Applicability, Definitions, Labeling etc.)
  • Subpart B – Investigational New Drug Applications
  • Subpart C – Administrative Actions
  • Subpart D – Responsibilities of Sponsors and Investigators
  • Subpart E – Drugs Intended to Treat Life-threatening or Severely Debilitating Illnesses
  • Subpart I – Expanded Access to Investigational Drugs

21 CFR 314 – Application for FDA Approval to Market a New Drug (FDA)
This part of the regulations sets forth procedures and requirements for the submission to, and the review by, the Food and Drug Administration of applications and abbreviated applications to market a new drug under section 505 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, as well as amendments, supplements, and postmarketing reports to them

21 CFR 812– Investigational Device Exemptions (FDA)
This regulation applies to clinical investigations of devices to determine safety and effectiveness. Key elements addressed within the regulation include:

  • Subpart A – General Provision (e.g. Scope, Applicability, Definitions, Labeling etc.)
  • Subpart B – Application and Administrative Action
  • Subpart C – Responsibilities of Sponsors
  • Subpart D – IRB Review and Approval
  • Subpart E – Responsibilities of Investigators
  • Subpart G – Records and Reports

21 CFR 803 – Medical Device Reporting (FDA)
This part establishes requirements for medical device reporting. Under this part, device user facilities, importers, and manufacturers, as defined in § 803.3, must report deaths and serious injuries to which a device has or may have caused or contributed, must establish and maintain adverse event files, and must submit to FDA specified followup and summary reports.

21 CFR 814 – PreMarket Approval of Medical Devices (FDA)
This part provides procedures for the premarket approval of medical devices intended for human use.

21 CFR 600 – Biological Products General (FDA)

21 CFR 601 – Licensing (FDA)

45 CFR 160 and 164 – Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (Office of Civil Rights)
The Privacy Rule establishes a foundation of Federal protections for the privacy of protected health information.

Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment, (U.S. Dept., of Education)
The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment ((PPRA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232h; 34 CFR Part 98) applies to programs that receive funding from the U.S. Department of Education (ED). PPRA is intended to protect the rights of parents and students by ensuring that 1) schools and contractors make instructional materials available for inspection by parents if those materials will be used in connection with an ED-funded survey, analysis, or evaluation in which their children participate and 2) schools and contractors obtain written parental consent before minor students are required to participate in any ED-funded survey, analysis, or evaluation that reveals sensitive and/or private information.

Contact the Office of Clinical & Translational Research

Mailing Address:

UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue, MC 5348
Farmington, CT 06030-5348

Office Location:

16 Munson Road, 2nd Floor
Farmington, CT 06032

Telephone & Fax:

Phone: 860.679.4040
Fax: 860.679.4014

Name Role Phone Email
Victor Hesselbrock, Ph.D. Senior Associate Dean for Research 860.679.8961 hesselbrock@uconn.edu
Paul Hudobenko Interim Director 860.679.3951 hudobenko@uchc.edu
Rebecca Plocher Admin Fiscal Assistant 860.679.1579 plocher@uchc.edu
Amanda Poirier Budget & Financial Specialist 860.679.7816 ampoirier@uchc.edu
Barbara Jones Reimbursement Analyst 860.679.4369 bjones@uchc.edu
Patricia Olsen Admin Program Coordinator/Coding Reimbursement Specialist 860.679.3155 olsen@uchc.edu
Donald Deyo Contracts Specialist deyo@uchc.edu
General Email octrclinicaltrial@uchc.edu


OCTR Budgets

Per institutional policy 2006-07, staff in OCTR complete a Budget Workbook for any clinical trial performed at UConn Health which accrues John Dempsey Hospital (JDH) and/or UConn Medical Group (UMG) charges. A Budget Workbook must be completed prior to a study being submitted to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for initial review, though a study may be submitted if the Budget Workbook is complete and budget negotiations are ongoing with the sponsor.

School of Medicine

School of Dental Medicine

Questions and Answers

Read questions and answers >

Contact the Human Subjects Protection Program

Human Subjects Protection Program (HSPP)
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-1511

Fax: 860-679-1005

Send questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions to  irb@uchc.edu

Institutional Review Board (IRB)
L Building, 5th floor
UConn Health
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030-1511

Contact an IRB Regulatory Specialist:

  • Patricia Gneiting – 860-679-4849 (Panel 2 and new expedited/exempt submissions, facilitated reviews)
  • Stephen MacKinnon – 860-679-8729 (Panel 1 and new expedited/exempt submissions, facilitated reviews)

Request IRB Submission Education / Training or General iRIS Support:

Monitoring Function:

Administrative Manager

    Office Fax: 860-679-1005

    Contact the IRB

    Mailing Address:

    Human Subjects Protection Program / Institutional Review Board
    UConn Health
    263 Farmington Avenue
    Farmington, CT 06030-1511

    Contact an IRB Regulatory Specialist:

    Request IRB Submission Education / Training or General IRIS Support:

    Monitoring Function:


    IRB Frequently Asked Questions

    Questions Related to the Need for IRB Review

    Q: Does a case study / case series require IRB review?

    A:  Research is defined as a systematic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge. Consistent with many other institutions, UConn Health does not consider a write up of a single case, or two or three cases, as constituting research. The retrospective summary of such a few number of cases is not considered to meet the definition of research.  A review of four or more cases is considered to meet the definition of research and prospective IRB review is required.

    Q: When should I submit a Human Subject Research Determination Form?

    A: The Human Subject Research Determination Form can be submitted when an individual is considering a project that s/he does not think constitutes human subject research, but would like an official determination made by the IRB prior to initiating the project.  A representative of the IRB will review the form and make the final determination as to whether the proposed activity meets the definition of human subject research. If the reviewer determines the project does not constitute human subject research the IRB will have no further involvement. If the reviewer determines that the project does constitute human subject research a complete IRB application will be required. Determination are usually made within two weeks of the date the IRB received the request for determination.

    Q: Does a student project involving humans require IRB review?

    A: If the project meets both the definition of research and human subject IRB review is required.   The definition of research is often key in determining if a student project needs IRB review.  Research is defined as a systematic investigation designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge.  If a student project is not designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge (e.g. it will be used only to satisfy a curricular requirement), it would not meet the definition of research.  Master’s or Doctoral proposals are typically designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge so IRB review for such is typically required if the project also involves human subjects.   IRB approval cannot be granted retrospectively. Students are therefore encouraged to complete a Human Subject Research Determination Form prior to starting any activity for which a question exists as to whether it constitutes human subject research.  That form can be used to self-determine whether IRB review is required; or it can be thoroughly completed and submitted to the IRB for a formal determination.

    When students at UConn Health are involved in the conduct of human subjects research at an external institution, please consult this engagement guidance document to ensure any IRB requirements at UConn Health are addressed.

    Q: What type of IRB review is required for a research project using existing specimens?

    A: It depends on whether the existing specimens are identifiable.  If not, and if the investigator will make no effort t re-identify the specimens, the specimens do not meet the definition of human subject and IRB review would not be required.   If the specimens are identifiable, or efforts will be made to re-identify the samples, IRB review is required.  Research that only involves the use of existing identifiable samples may qualify for exemption if one of the following is true:

    • the specimens are publicly available
    • information is recorded in such a manner that the identity of the human subject cannot readily be ascertained directly or through identifiers linked to the subjects, the investigator does not contact the subject and the investigator will not re-identify subjects.

    Q: Does a pilot study have to be reviewed by the IRB?

    A: Yes. Any study involving human subjects, regardless of the number of subjects to be involved, must be reviewed and approved by the IRB prior to initiation.  Because the purpose of a pilot study is to test the feasibility of a design that is intended to be used on a larger scale a pilot study is considered be “designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge”.

    Q: If I am going to do research on excess specimen samples (i.e., urine, blood, skin, etc.) that are being collected for a clinical purpose and that are otherwise going to be thrown away, do I have to get IRB review?

    A: If the samples are to be used for a research purpose, and if at any point in time the investigator can link a sample (directly or through codes) to the individual from whom it came, IRB review is required. If information is record in such a way that individuals from whom the sample came cannot be identified the research may qualify for exempt status.

    Q: If I am doing research on cadavers or on samples obtained from cadavers, do I have to get IRB review?

    A:  IRB review is not needed as the definition of human subject pertains to living individuals. However, if personal identifying information is linked to the materials, then HIPAA must be appropriately addressed.  The Assurance of Using Decedent Information form must be submitted to the IRB, which also acts as the HIPAA privacy board for research purposes.

    Q: If I want to make a change to my study after I’ve received approval, do I need IRB approval again?

    A: Yes. Any change to a previously approved non-exempt study must be reviewed and approved by the IRB prior to implementation. This includes changes to any document related to the study (e.g. informed consent form, surveys, advertisements, recruitment letters, etc.) You will need to submit the form to request a modification / addendum to a previously approved study. The only exception to this is that a change can be implemented if it is needed to eliminate immediate harm to subjects or others. Such changes must be reported to the IRB within 5 business day.  Investigators are encouraged to seek approval for any modification to an exempt study to ensure that the change does not invalidate the exempt status of the study.

    Q: How does the mandate for single IRB review for multi-site federally supported research apply?

    A: The NIH has published a list of frequently asked questions pertaining to the requirement for single IRB review.  Please review this list.   If your question is not addressed by this list, you may contact the IRB.  Please note, the UConn Health IRB does not intend to act as the single IRB for NIH funded multi-site research.  IRB reliance agreements are in place between UConn Health and commercial IRBs that are willing to act as the single IRB, and additional IRB Reliance agreements can be entered into if needed.

    Questions Related to IRB Submissions:

    Q: Once I submit my application, how long does the IRB review process take?

    A: Review of exempt and expedited applications occurs on an on-going basis. Screening of the application will generally occur within 7 to 10 business days of receipt. Any concerns will be communicated to the investigator through iRIS. Once all concerns have been addressed the application will be forwarded for official review. Studies requiring full board review must be submitted by the published deadline. This allows sufficient time for the committee to review the application prior to the meeting. After the meeting the minutes must be prepared and approved by the committee before letters are sent to the investigators. Therefore, investigators should not expect an official letter until 7 to 10 business days after the meeting. Note that you may not begin your research until you have received final, unconditional approval from the IRB.

    Q: Can I e-mail my IRB materials to the IRB office?

    A: IRB forms (applications, requests for continuation, requests for modifications, problem reports) and supporting documents should be submitted through the iRIS system. For UConn Health employees and students, your UConn Health username and password can be used to access iRIS.

    Q: What is my IRB number?

    A: After you have submitted your application to the IRB for review, the IRB will assign an IRB number to your study.  The IRB number can be used to search for the study within iRIS.  The first two digits represent the latter part of fiscal year that the study was submitted, the next three digits represent the sequential order of receipt, and the last digit represents the panel to which the study was assigned. If there is an X after the first two digits it indicates the research was determined to qualify for exemption. If there is a letter appended after the three sequential numbers the letter indicates that UConn Health is acting as the IRB for another institution.  For example an IRB number of 19-001C-2 reflects receipt of the study in fiscal year 2018/2019, that it was the first study received within the fiscal year and that Connecticut Children’s Medical Center is relying on the UConn Health IRB for oversight of the research, and that the submission was reviewed by Panel 2.

    Note that any e-mail written or phone inquiry should make reference to the IRB number of the study. This will enable the IRB to quickly locate any required information.

    Q: Why should I have a version number on my protocol and consent form?

    A: It should always be possible to quickly determine which version of the protocol was current when the ICF was signed. Investigators are encouraged to maintain a link between the consent document and current protocol. For example, if you submit a modification that affects the informed consent form, but not version 1.0 of the protocol, the informed consent version reference should be revised, by adding a number after the version reference, e.g., Version 1.1. This indicates that the informed consent form is still linked to version 1 of the protocol.

    Revising the version number also helps investigators to differentiate between copies of the protocol that have been modified. For example, if a modification was made to procedures in the protocol but both versions were labeled as version 1 (as opposed to 1 and 2 or 1 and 1.1) it would be easier for the investigator to follow the incorrect version of the protocol.

    Q: I am not sure how to answer some questions in the application; can I leave them blank?

    A: The IRB expects the investigator to respond to relevant items on the IRB application. Providing complete responses will make it less likely that the application will be returned for corrections.  If you have a question as to how to respond you are encouraged to contact a Regulatory Specialist within the IRB for guidance.

    Q: Can I submit my application without the signature of the Principal Investigator?

    A: No, the application must be signed by the Principal Investigator. With the implementation of the iRIS system, the PI can access the system from any place with internet access in order to sign the submission.

    Q: What documents do I need to submit to the IRB for review of my study?

    A: Because every study is unique it is not possible to provide directions that will address every situation.  The relevant IRB application checklist should be used as guide in determining the submission requirements.  You may also want to review the table “What Documents to Submit” at https://ovpr.uchc.edu//rcs/hspp/resources/expedited-exempt/ . The documents common to all new expedited and exempt submissions are noted in the first row and additional documents that are often associated with specific study designs follow. Some projects may combine characteristics of more than one study type.

    Q: Are there any protocol templates in the IRB/HSPP web-site that can guide me in preparing my study protocol?

    A: A protocol template is available on the IRB forms page.

    Q: My study was deferred at the IRB meeting held on Monday night. Can I have an extension to the submission deadline so that my study can be reviewed at the next regularly scheduled meeting of that panel?

    A: Yes, you can have a one week extension on the submission deadline. This is allowed for two reason. First because the IRB recognizes that the turn-around-time without the extension is quite difficult to meet. Second, because the reviewers have already seen the initial version of the protocol and discussed it at the board, allowing the reviewer one week to re-review is sufficient. Note that if you study was deferred it must be reviewed by the same IRB panel that conducted the initial review.

    Q: Do I have to submit every single protocol deviation (e.g. instance of non-compliance with the protocol) to the IRB?

    A: Yes, however the timing of when you report the non-compliance may differ. If the non-compliance was within the control of the research team (e.g. a follow-up appointment was scheduled by the research team outside of the study window) it should be reported within 5 business days of becoming aware of it using the problem report form available in iRIS.  All reports should contain a description of the deviation, why and when it occurred, and corrective action implemented, if any, to prevent future occurrence. If the non-compliance was not within the control of the research team it and it does not place a subject at risk (e.g. the subject canceled a scheduled appointment and had to be rescheduled outside of the study window) the event can be reported at the time of continuation.  However, if the event was not within the control of the research team but has in impact on subject safety or data integrity it should still be reported within 5 business days of becoming aware of it. If possible, investigators should allow for “windows” within the protocol design to reduce the instances of non-compliance. For example, rather than stating that a second visit will occur in 2 weeks state that second visits will occur within 10 to 18 days.

    Q: How do I know which HIPAA form to submit?

    A: You must address HIPAA within your application if your study will involve the use of protected health information. Protected health information means individually identifiable health information transmitted or maintained in any form (electronic means, on paper, or through oral communication) that relates to the past, present or future physical or mental health or conditions of an individual. In general,

    • if you are obtaining informed consent you will also need to obtain a HIPAA Authorization, or
    • if you are seeing, but not recording any identifiable information you will submit a Certification of Using De-Identified data form, or
    • if you need to keep some identifiable information, and you cannot obtain an Authorization, you will apply for a Waiver of HIPAA Authorization.

      Q: If the sponsor requires that a safety report be submitted to the IRB, but the adverse event reporting policy requires that it be reported only at the time of continuation (e.g., it is a non-serious event), should I still submit it to the IRB?

      A: You should inform the sponsor that our reporting policy is that non-serious events will be submitted in summary format at the time of continuation. The IRB will not review individual non-serious reports.

      Q: If my project will most likely qualify for exempt status do I still have to submit the entire IRB application, write a protocol, and make sure everyone has completed training in the protection of human subjects?

      A: Yes.  The IRB is the only office that can determine if a research project qualifies for exemption and must have sufficient information in order to make that determination; and training requirements pertain regardless of the type of review conducted.

      Q: I submitted an application for expedited review three days ago. Why haven’t I heard from the IRB yet?

      A: Expedited review does not mean a quicker review. It simply means that only the Chair or an IRB member designated by the Chair has to review the project. All of the same criteria for approval still apply and applications are reviewed with the same level of scrutiny as a full board review.

      Q: I will be doing research that will involve individuals who speak a foreign language. If the IRB approved the English version of the consent form do I have to submit a translated version for approval?

      A: Yes. The IRB must approve all translated documents that will be presented to subject, e.g. the informed consent form and surveys. Investigators may either use a professional translation service or the back translation process. The full details are available in the Human Subjects Protection Office/IRB operating policies. Information on companies that provide translation services is available on the Information for Investigators page.

      Questions Related to Continuing Review:

      Q: How do I know when my study is due for continuing review?

      A: When the IRB grants you final approval the approval letter will include the date by which your request for continuation is due.   The iRIS system should send 30, 60 and 90 day reminders to you to request continuing review. However, the investigator retains the responsibility for seeking continuation of an approved study and the IRB encourages you to add reminder notices to your outlook calendar.

      Q: What happens if I miss the submission deadline for my continuation that requires full board review?

      A: A lapse in IRB approval for the study will occur if continuing approval is not granted by the end of day on the expiration date of approval.  For example if the expiration date of a study is May 1st, research activity could occur on May 1st, but could not occur on May 2nd unless continuing approval had been obtained.  If a lapse in approval occurs, all research related activity must cease until approval for continuation is obtained.  If a subject is on active treatment and will be exposed to harm if treatment is withheld during the lapse in approval, you must request in writing approval from the IRB Chair to continue to treat the subject. You must also confirm that you are seeking continuation and will meet the next submission deadline.

      Q: Why must I request continuation in less than one year when my colleagues’ studies where given approval for a full year?

      A: When continuing review is a requirement, regulations require that continuing review occur at least annually. However, the IRB has the authority to require that review occur more frequently. Example scenarios of when the IRB may exercise this option include studies that pose a high risk to subjects or studies for which the investigator does not have extensive experience in the field.

      Q: Why do I have to submit the complete protocol again at the time of continuing review if I haven’t changed it since the initial approval?

      A: Federal guidance states that in order for continuing review to be meaningful and substantive the IRB must review the complete protocol. Attaching the protocol at the time of continuing review includes it in a master pdf file that the iRIS system creates for the assigned IRB reviewer. This facilitates the review process for them.

      Questions Related to Informed Consent:

      Q: What is informed consent?

      A: Informed consent reflects an individuals voluntary agreement to participate in a research study. In order to make this agreement the individual must have adequate knowledge and understanding of the relevant information (purpose of the study, risks and benefits of the study, methods to be used, etc.). the process of informing a subject about a study is documented using the informed consent form.

      Q: Who can provide informed consent?

      A: Individuals who have reached the age of majority and who are competent can provide informed consent to participate in a research study. If the subject is either a minor or lacks the capacity to provide informed consent, a surrogate person (i.e. a legally authorized representative) must provide consent and the subject will generally be asked to provide assent. The policy to provide surrogate consent for research studies follows the same standards as providing surrogate consent for clinical care.

      Q: What does a research subject need to be informed of during the consent process?

      A: The informed consent checklist outlines the regulatory requirements of the informed consent form and these requirements are incorporated into the IRB sample consent form.  If these documents are used as a guideline, you should address all required elements within your consent document. However, consent is more than a document. Consent must be a process in which the research subject has the right to read and discuss the form and to ask any questions regarding the study and have them answered in a satisfactory manner.

      Q: Is informed consent always required?

      A: In the majority of non-exempt studies informed consent is required. However, there are situations in which the requirement to obtain informed consent may be waived or altered. A retrospective chart review study is an example of when the requirement to obtain consent may be waived. The form to request a waiver or alteration of informed consent must be completed and submitted to the IRB for review and approval. The form describes the criteria that must be satisfied in order for the IRB to grant approval to the request.

      Questions Related to Closure of Human Subject Research Studies:

      Q: When  should I close my study? 

      A:  A research study should be closed by the Principal Investigator (PI) once all human research activities are completed regardless of whether a study is subject to the continuing review requirement.  To do so, a closure form should be submitted to the IRB through the iRIS submission system for each non-exempt human research study (e.g., studies approved under Expedited review or Full Board review).  The closure form should be submitted before the expiration of IRB approval, however, the PI can also submit a closure form after they have received a notice of lapse of approval.

      If the study is an exempt study, the PI may allow the IRB approval to expire. When approval of an exempt study expires, the IRB will administratively close the study, but this does not invalidate the exemption. The research, as proposed to the IRB, may continue; it is not necessary to keep the exemption actively registered with the IRB.

      A closure form allows the IRB to have a summary of the following information:

        • the findings of the study
        • the final enrollment data
        • whether the study met the recruitment goals, and
        • whether any of the following events occurred since the last approval (initial or continuing review):
          • subject complaints
          • unanticipated problems involving risk to subjects or others,
          • unexpected profile of adverse events in terms of frequency and/or severity,
          • non-compliance with or deviation from the approved protocol or procedures,
          • audits, inspections or monitoring visits by internal or external personnel.
          • any publications, presentations, trademarks, patents, etc. related to the study.

      The Guidance on Closure of Human Subject Research Studies.docx  explains the circumstances in which a non-exempt human research study may be closed from IRB oversight, as well as ongoing researcher responsibilities that apply to closed studies.

      CITI Instructions for Human Subjects Training at UConn Health


      All key study personnel listed on an IRB application or request for modification must complete training in the protection of human subjects.  Courses offered through the Collaborative IRB Training Initiative (CITI) are the primary mechanism used to satisfy this requirement.  Once passed, the training is valid for a three year period.  Training is required to be current at the time of initial approval or at the time the individual is added to a study.

      Completion of CITI courses is strongly encouraged for anyone providing support to a study who is not designated as key personnel on the IRB application or modification form.

      Instructions for registering for CITI courses are provided below. When registering for Human Subjects Training do not register to  take the animal modules.

      Individuals may check their training completion date on the master training list (Excel) which is updated approximately every two weeks.  The master training list does not reflect scores, it only reflects that the training requirement has been completed.  The list acts as a resource to individuals who are preparing an IRB submission.  If a student does not want his/her name to appear on the list, send an e-mail to the individuals noted below. Completion of required training will be verified by the IRB Office prior to IRB approval being granted.

      CITI Registration

      Go to https://www.citiprogram.org.

      • If you are a new user click Register in the upper right corner, or from within the Create an account box on the right side of the screen.
      • If you are a returning user, Click Log In in the upper right corner, or type in your user name and password on the right side of the screen and click Log In

      Please note that steps 1 – 6 area applicable to new registration. Returning users should skip to Step 7 regarding course enrollment

      Step 1:  Select Your Organization Affiliation:

      • In the box to “Search for organization” type University of Connecticut Health Center, selecting this option when it becomes available. (Note: Be sure to include Health Center in your selection)
      • Click Continue to Step 2

      Step 2:  Personal Information:

      • Provide responses to the required fields denoted with an * (First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Verify email address)
      • Provide secondary email if you choose.
      • Click Continue to Step 3

      Step 3:  Create your own User Name and Password

      • Create your username in accordance with noted requirements
      • Create your password in accordance with noted requirements
      • Select a security question
      • Provide a security answer
      • Click Continue to Step 4

      Step 4:  Gender, Race, Ethnicity

      • Provide responses to required fields (Gender, Ethnicity, Race)
      • Click Continue to Step 5

      Step 5:  Continuing Education Credits

      • Provide responses to required fields
      • Click Continue to step 6

      Please note that it is not necessary to say YES to CE’s to obtain a certificate of completion

      Step 6:  Additional Details (Note: per CITI this step cannot be deleted, but responses are now optional. )

      • Provide responses (optional)
      • Click Continue to step 7

      Step 7:  Course Enrollment Procedure:

      • Read the instructions below for details.
      • For returning users, once logged into CITI, click University of Connecticut Health Center to see any assigned courses. Click on the course to begin it, responding to the integrity assurance statement if required. If necessary (i.e. you are up for renewal, but a course had not yet been assigned), click Add a Course under University of Connecticut Health Center and then follow the instructions below.

      Course Enrollment Questions:  

      On the CITI site, scroll down to the section with questions.

      User can skip questions in this process unless the question is denoted with an * which indicates a response is required.   New users should first select the user group most applicable to the type of research with which the user will be involved.  If a user only wants to take a Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training module, skip to question 3 to register for a GCP course for the first time, or to question 4 to renew GCP training.

      The questions you will see on the CITI course enrollment page are provided below for reference, along with instructions for responding.

      Question 1 –Instructions:

      Select the ONE option that best reflects your status. Only select the last option if you have previously completed CITI training at UConn Health and are now renewing your training because the three year expiration date is approaching. (Note: IRB chairs should select Group 4 initially. Group 5 can be added after the initial registration and course is completed.  IRB members and  staff must initially select Group 4)

      Question 1:  Please choose one learner group below based on your role and the type of human subjects activities you will conduct. You will be enrolled in the Basic Course for that group.

      • Group 1: Biomedical Investigators and Study Personnel
      • Group 2: Social and Behavioral Investigators and Study Personnel
      • Group 3: Students
      • Group 4: IRB Members or HSPO / IRB Staff
      • Group 5: IRB Chair
      • I have completed the Basic Course.

      Question 2 – Instructions:

      For users who are renewing training, select the one option that best reflects your status, or for an alternative refresher course option, skip question 2 and select the Good Clinical Practice course in Question 3 to satisfy refresher requirements.

      • If in question 1 you indicated that you have completed the Basic Course, then select option 1, 2, 3 or 4 in question 2, or skip question 2 and select the alternative option of completing the Good Clinical Practice course in option 3.
      • If in question 1 you selected a Group designation, then respond to question 2 by selecting “I have not completed the Basic Course.”

      Question 2:  If you have completed the Basic Course portion, please choose one learner group below based on your role and the type of human subjects activities you will conduct.  You will be enrolled in the Refresher Course for that group.

      • Group 1: Biomedical Investigators and Study Personnel
      • Group 2: Social and Behavioral Investigators and Study Personnel
      • Group 3: Students
      • Group 4: IRB Members or HSPO / IRB Staff
      • I have not completed the Basic Course.

      Question 3 – Instructions: 

      Individuals involved with NIH funded clinical trials  must complete GCP training and the HSPP/IRB strongly encourages all other individuals who are involved with clinical research trials to take the GCP course.  Individuals can opt to select the GCP course in addition to any other course selection in items 1 and 2, or to skip the GCP course (unless otherwise mandated by the NIH or IRB).

      Question 3:  If you are required to take: Good Clinical Practice (GCP) then please make your selection below.

      • GCP for Clinical Trials with Investigational Drugs and Medical Devices (U.S. FDA Focus) – For clinical trials in the US
      • GCP for Clinical Investigations of Devices
      • GCP for Clinical Trials with Investigational Drugs and Biologics (ICH Focus) – For international clinical trials
      • GCP – Social and Behavioral Research Best Practices for Clinical Research
      • Not at this time.

      Question 4 – Instructions: 

      If you are renewing GCP training select from the applicable course

      Question 4:  Please make your selection below if you have previously completed the GCP Basic Course.

      • GCP for Clinical Trials with Investigational Drugs and Biologics (ICH Focus) – Refresher – For international trials
      • GCP for Clinical Investigations of Devices – Refresher
      • GCP for Clinical Trials with Investigational Drugs and Medical Devices (U.S. FDA Focus) – Refresher – For clinical trial in US
      • I have not completed the Basic Course

      Question 5 – Question 7 may be skipped when registering for only human subjects training courses. 

      After completing the course enrollment questions click Submit

      To access the course for which you have registered

      • Click University of Connecticut Health Center Courses
      • Click on the assigned course to being the work
      • Click to complete the Integrity Assurance Statement before beginning the course
      • Click on Required Modules to complete them in order.

      To Successfully Complete the Course

      A running tally is compiled in the Grade Book to ensure that the minimum passing score has been met.   If you want to improve a score on a quiz, you may repeat any quiz in which you didn’t score 100% correct.

      Print or download a Course Completion Report as evidence that you have met your institutional requirements.  A copy will be sent to your institutional administrator.  Certificates may also be downloaded at a later date by following these instructions.


      • Questions regarding your requirements for human subjects training should be sent to irb@uchc.edu

      Education and Resources

      If you have specific educational needs, please contact the HSPP for assistance at irb@uchc.edu.

      Educational Resources for Research Personnel

      • First time Principal investigator Orientation Session: this session is strongly recommended, and often required by the IRB. New faculty members who are planning to be the Principal Investigator of human research studies should schedule a one hour WebEx orientation session PRIOR to submitting their first research proposal to the IRB. To schedule this session please e-mail irb@uchc.edu
      • Informed Consent- Process and Documentation – Educational Session: This session is offered via WebEx to individuals who will be obtaining informed consent from study participants.  This one (1) hour session provides an overview of the informed consent process and documentation of consent.
      • The HSPP Brown Bag Sessions: The brown bag lunch sessions take place every last Tuesday of the month at noon time (12 pm) via WebEX .   These sessions are not provided during the months of November and December. These sessions provide an opportunity to expand your knowledge about conducting human subject’s research.
      • IRB Guidance for New Investigators: The HSPP offers a one hour general educational session for study coordinators and investigators who plan to conduct Human Subjects Research at UConn Health. The training provides an overview of the research proposal submission and maintenance process.  Registration is required. Interested staff should e-mail the HSPP at irb@uchc.edu  to inquire about upcoming sessions.
      • IRB Process Guidance: Individuals who need study specific guidance on preparing IRB submissions are encouraged to request assistance from the HSPP by contacting irb@uchc.edu to schedule a session.
      • The Help section within iRIS contains training manuals.
      • Training Classes on iRIS are offered.  Register with the HSPP as noted above
      • Study Start Up Educational Sessions, contact irb@uchc.edu to schedule
      • Tutorial Privacy vs. Confidentiality (PowerPoint, developed by Joan Seiber)
      • Tutorial #1 – Common Steps in the IRB Submission Process
      • Tutorial #2 – Survey Research Under Exemption Category 2
      • Tutorial #3 – Chart Reviews Under Exemption Category 4
      • Tutorial #4 – Overview of HIPAA in Research
      • Tutorial #5 – Considerations for International Research

      Educational Sessions for IRB Members:

      • Contact the HSPP to request training in iRIS or to request training on the IRB review process.

      On line Educational Resources:

      Institutional Review Board Members

      IRB members are appointed by the Director of the Human Subjects Protection Program and are selected for their experience and expertise, as well as for their diverse backgrounds. Panel 01 generally meets on the first Monday of the month and Panel 02 generally meets on the the third Monday of the month.

      Meeting dates and submission deadlines may be adjusted due to holidays therefore investigators should always refer to the published schedules. The submission deadlines only apply to studies that require full board review (either initially or at the time of continuation). Studies that qualify for expedited review or exempt status are reviewed on an on-going cycle as they are received.

      Each member who is assigned as a primary review is provided with an electronic reviewer sheet within iRIS. The help buttons associated to the form address the points the IRB should consider as related to the criteria for approval. The forms provided by the PI address the special concerns of involving vulnerable populations in research and the IRB must consider those forms.

      Members may find the following documents helpful:

      IRB Panel 01 Membership:

      • Linda Choquette, MSHC, CCRP, Sr. Manager Clinical Research,  JAX
      • Alan Curto, BS, JD, Partner, Halloran & Sage LLP*
      • Terese Donovan, MS, RN, Clinical Nurse Education Specialist (retired)
      • Julian Ford, PhD, Professor Psychiatry, Chair
      • Agnes Kim,  MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine in Calhoun Cardiology Center, Internal Medicine
      • Stephen MacKinnon MA, Regulatory Specialist+
      • M. Melinda Sanders, MD, Professor, Pathology and Lab Medicine, UConn Health
      • Mitchell Sauerhoff, PhD, DABT, Volunteers at UConn Health in Medical Toxicology /Emergency Medicine and School of Pharmacy
      • Ruchir Trivedi, MD, Associate Professor, Nephrology; Vice-Chair
      • Rev. Daniel Warriner, DMin, BCC, Chaplain, UConn Health
      • Jeffrey Wasser, MD, Assistant Professor, Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center (retired)
      • Andrew Winokur, MD, PhD, Professor, Psychiatry

      +Patricia Gneiting, AAS may act as alternate

      IRB Panel 02 Membership:

      • Francesco Celi, MD, Professor, Department of Medicine
      • Timothy Everett, JD, MA, Clinical Professor of Law, UConn School of Law, (Prisoner Advocate)
      • Julian Ford, PhD, Professor Psychiatry, Co-Chair
      • Martin Freilich, DDS, Professor, Department of Reconstructive Sciences
      • Patricia Gneiting, AAS, Regulatory Specialist+
      • Upendra Hegde, MD, Professor, Hematology/Oncology, UConn Health, Co-Chair
      • Ronald Kadden, PhD, MA, Professor, Psychiatry (retired)
      • Dayne Laskey, PharmD, Assistant Professor Pharmacy Practice, University of St. Joseph School of Pharmacy
      • Janice Loomis, MA, Administrator, IRB William W. Backus Hospital
      • Jun Lu, MD, Professor, Dermatology
      • Edmund Mikolwosky, JD, Community Member
      • Warren Osterndorf, MA, Assistant Professor of Communications, Eastern CT State University
      • John Vento, MD, Assistant Professor, Diagnostic Imaging and Therapeutics (retired)
      • Amy Zipf, RN, PhD, Clinical Nurse Specialist,  UConn Health

      +Stephen MacKinnon MA may act as alternate