Quick Takes



Welcome to the IACUC “Quick Takes” training page.  These short (generally less than 5 minute) videos are full of information for you as you work with laboratory animals here at UConn Health.  This will be a library of videos – we will upload videos as we go along.

If you have an item you’d like to see as a Quick Take, please email the IACUC office with your suggestion.


Quick Take Topics
Welcome to Quick Takes from the IACUC Chair
Classification of Modifications of Protocols (3:57)
CO2 Euthanasia of Laboratory Rodents (5:26)
Compassion Fatigue (13:04)
Continuing Problems – They Keep Popping Up
Expired Drug Training (6:04)
Obtaining Research Controlled Substance Licenses (3:20)
Reporting Animal Welfare Concerns (4:19)
Transportation of Laboratory Animals to PI Laboratories (3:07)
Use of Photography
What Information is Required on Cage Cards?