Notification of Suspension of Protocols


The Animal Welfare Regulations (9 CFR, Ch. 1, 2.31 (c)(8)) and PHS Policy (IV.B.8) charge the IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee) with the authority to suspend an activity involving animals in accordance with the specifications set forth in the Animal Welfare Act and/or PHS Policy or because it has determined that the activity is not being conducted in accordance with the description of that activity as provided by the principal investigator in the animal care application. The following will outline the established procedure which will be used to notify Principle Investigators (PI) of the decision of the IACUC to suspend protocols.


There are three ways a protocol can be suspended:

1. The decision to suspend a protocol may be reached by a majority vote of a convened meeting of a quorum of the IACUC.

a. The PI will be notified by phone or email by the chair of the ACC within 24 hours of this action being taken by the IACUC.

b. The PI will also receive a letter from the IACUC stipulating the actions taken by the IACUC.

2. In exceptional circumstances where there is a clear threat to animal health, the Attending Veterinarian (AV) has the authority to suspend animal activities on a protocol. This action needs to be followed by a convened meeting of the IACUC as soon as possible to review the cause of the suspension of animal activity.

a. The PI will be notified by phone or email by the AV within 24 hours of this action being taken by the AV.

b. The PI will also receive a letter from the IACUC stipulating the actions taken by the AV and/or a description of actions prospectively to be taken as a result of the IACUC meeting following the suspension of activities by the AV.

3. The Institutional Official (IO) may suspend an activity that the IACUC has previously approved in the case of serious or continuing non-compliance with IACUC approved protocol or governmental law or regulation, misuse, or mistreatment of research laboratory animals, or previously unanticipated risk to the laboratory research personnel. This action needs to be followed by a convened meeting of the IACUC as soon as possible to review the cause of the suspension of the animal activity.

a. The PI will be notified by phone or email by the IO within 24 hours of this action being taken by the IO.

b. The PI will also receive a letter from the IACUC stipulating the actions taken by the IO and/or a description of actions prospectively to be taken as a result of the IACUC meeting following the suspension of activities by the IO.

4. All further actions of investigating animal welfare issues, complaints, and cases of non-compliance with animal care and use protocols are outlined in the IACUC Policy on Reporting Animal Welfare Concerns.

Effective Dates:  December 1, 2022 through December 31, 2025