Inter-agency IACUC Reviews


There are many circumstances that involve partnerships between collaborating institutions or relationships between institutional animal care programs. OLAW and USDA-APHIS agree that review of a research project or evaluation of a program or facility by more than one recognized IACUC is not a federal requirement.

It is imperative that institutions define their respective responsibilities. PHS Policy requires that all awardees and performance sites hold an approved Animal Welfare Assurance. OLAW negotiates Inter-institutional Agreement Assurances of Compliance when an awardee institution without an animal care and use program or IACUC will rely on the program of an Assured Institution. Assured institutions also have the option to amend their Assurance to cover non-assured performance sites, which effectively subjugates the performance site to the Assured institution and makes the Assured institution responsible for the performance site.

If both institutions have full PHS assurances, they may exercise discretion in determining which IACUC reviews research protocols and under which institutional program the research will be performed. It is recommended that if an IACUC defers protocol review to another IACUC, then documentation of the review should be maintained by both committees. Similarly, an IACUC would want to know about any significant questions or issues raised during a semi-annual program inspection by another IACUC of a facility housing a research activity for which that IACUC bears some responsibility or exposure. This policy defines when UConn Health will accept another institution’s IACUC approval and/or require submission to the UConn Health’s IACUC.


1. Work performed at UConn Health with the funding administered through another institution:

  • The UConn Health’s IACUC will review and approve all animal care and use activities performed at this institution. The work must have a UConn Health faculty member sponsor and the Principal Investigator must complete the UConn Health’s animal care and use protocol form. All personnel involved in the study performed at this institution must comply with all IACUC policies and procedures.

2. Work performed at another institution with the funding administered through UConn Health:

  • UConn Health’s IACUC will accept the review and approval of the institution performing the work if the following are met:
    • UConn Health’s IACUC receives a copy of the protocol approval letter from the institution.
    • UConn Health’s IACUC receives a copy of the IACUC approved protocol from the institution.
    • UConn Health’s IACUC receives a copy of the latest semi-annual inspection report to the IO.
    • Additional documentation may be requested at the discretion of the IACUC chair.
  • If any of the above requirements are not met, then the PI will be required to submit a protocol to the UConn Health’s IACUC for review.

3. Work performed at UConn Health and another institution with the funding administered through UConn Health:

  • This will be handled for each institution as described in 1 and 2 above.

4. Work performed at UConn Health under an agreement which may be for pay or collaboration for an institution or company:

  • If the institution or company has an IACUC, the UConn Health’s IACUC will accept the review and approval of the institution performing the work if the following are met:
    • UConn Health’s IACUC receives a copy of the protocol approval letter from the institution.
    • UConn Health’s IACUC receives a copy of the IACUC approved protocol from the institution.
  • If the institution or company does not have an IACUC, the work will be performed as described in 1 above.

This policy  has been approved by a majority vote of the IACUC members

Effective Dates: June 6, 2024 thru June 30, 2027