IACUC Policy on Veterinary Consultation Regarding the Use of Animals on which Pain Category D and/or E Procedures are to be Performed
Purpose: Regulations require that procedures that may cause more than momentary or slight distress to animals will involve, in the planning state, consultation with the Attending Veterinarian (AV) or their designee. This policy is implemented to ensure compliance with the federal mandate when a Principal Investigator (PI) is using animals in a procedure classified as pain category D and/or E.
- The PI, or their designee, shall consult with the AV during writing, and prior to submitting, an IACUC protocol.
- The AV shall complete a protocol review worksheet when consulting with the PI.
- The worksheet, and future modifications to it, shall require approval by the IACUC.
- The completed worksheet shall be co-signed by both the AV and the PI after the consultation process is completed.
- A copy of the worksheet will be given to the PI.
- An electronic copy of the worksheet shall be uploaded (electronically attached) to any protocol submission falling under this policy. The worksheet shall be appended in section “Mandatory Veterinary Consultation for Pain/Distress Categories D and E”.
- Any protocol submitted without a completed consultation worksheet will be returned to the PI without review.
Effective Dates: December 1, 2022 through December 31, 2025
This policy has been approved by a majority vote of the IACUC members.