The Animal Welfare Act, Animal Welfare Regulations, and PHS Policy state that no animal work may be performed on protocols without IACUC approval which includes protocols that have expired. In addition, all approved protocols must completely describe the disposition of animals.
1. All Principal Investigators (PI) who wish to transfer animals from an approved protocol to an approved protocol of another PI must have, in the original protocol, a statement that the disposition of animals includes the transfer of animals to another approved protocol.
2. The PI will need to inform the Center for Comparative Medicine (CCM) and the IACUC office of the request to transfer animals. The PI will need to give the following information: species and number of animals to be transferred, the name of the PI to whom the animals will be transferred, and the new IACUC protocol number. The IACUC office will confirm that the new protocol is approved.
3. This process may require that the original protocol be modified to include transfer of animals as a disposition method; this modification will require the approval of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) according to established procedures.
Effective Dates: June 2, 2022 through June 30, 2025