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Education and Resources

If you have specific educational needs, please contact the HSPP for assistance at irb@uchc.edu.

Educational Resources for Research Personnel

  • First time Principal investigator Orientation Session: this session is strongly recommended, and often required by the IRB. New faculty members who are planning to be the Principal Investigator of human research studies should schedule a one hour WebEx orientation session PRIOR to submitting their first research proposal to the IRB. To schedule this session please e-mail irb@uchc.edu
  • Informed Consent- Process and Documentation – Educational Session: This session is offered via WebEx to individuals who will be obtaining informed consent from study participants.  This one (1) hour session provides an overview of the informed consent process and documentation of consent.
  • The HSPP Brown Bag Sessions: The brown bag lunch sessions take place every last Tuesday of the month at noon time (12 pm) via WebEX .   These sessions are not provided during the months of November and December. These sessions provide an opportunity to expand your knowledge about conducting human subject’s research.
  • IRB Guidance for New Investigators: The HSPP offers a one hour general educational session for study coordinators and investigators who plan to conduct Human Subjects Research at UConn Health. The training provides an overview of the research proposal submission and maintenance process.  Registration is required. Interested staff should e-mail the HSPP at irb@uchc.edu  to inquire about upcoming sessions.
  • IRB Process Guidance: Individuals who need study specific guidance on preparing IRB submissions are encouraged to request assistance from the HSPP by contacting irb@uchc.edu to schedule a session.
  • The Help section within iRIS contains training manuals.
  • Training Classes on iRIS are offered.  Register with the HSPP as noted above
  • Study Start Up Educational Sessions, contact irb@uchc.edu to schedule
  • Tutorial Privacy vs. Confidentiality (PowerPoint, developed by Joan Seiber)
  • Tutorial #1 – Common Steps in the IRB Submission Process
  • Tutorial #2 – Survey Research Under Exemption Category 2
  • Tutorial #3 – Chart Reviews Under Exemption Category 4
  • Tutorial #4 – Overview of HIPAA in Research
  • Tutorial #5 – Considerations for International Research

Educational Sessions for IRB Members:

  • Contact the HSPP to request training in iRIS or to request training on the IRB review process.

On line Educational Resources: