uconn health

OCTR Standard Operating Procedures



UConn Health Initial Animal User Training Request

Research Excellence Program at UConn Health

The primary goal of the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) Research Excellence Program (REP) is to provide seed funding to fuel innovative research, scholarship, and creative endeavors with strong potential for:

  • Significant extramural funding from federal and state sponsors, corporations, industry partners, and foundations.
  • Achievements consistent with the highest standards of accomplishment in the discipline.

The Research Excellence Program at UConn Health consists of two main categories, Stimulus Grants and Convergence Grants, with complementary funding priorities.

Continued institutional priority areas for the 2023-2024 (FY24) REP Cycle

In response to the findings of the President’s Taskforce on Mental Health and Wellness and the President’s Taskforce for Combating Sexual Violence and Supporting Our Students, the OVPR is encouraging submission of proposals that advance innovative research and scholarship in the areas of institutional priority addressed by each task force.

Accordingly, for the FY24 REP cycle (deadline 12/15/23), the OVPR invites and welcomes REP proposals addressing mental health and wellness in adolescents and young adults or addressing sexual violence on college or university campuses.  Specific guidelines for these priority areas follow below:

  • Applicants proposing work for in one of these priority areas should indicate their intentions as part of the application.
    • Include “REP Priority Area:” to begin the proposal title
    • Select the appropriate priority area(s) within the REP application form
  • Priority area applicants/proposals must comply with all guidelines of the REP program
  • Proposals from all disciplines and topic areas are welcome under the REP and will be given full consideration.  Proposals in these highlighted priority topic areas will be reviewed alongside of other REP proposals in the appropriate disciplinary review group.

Funding Period

Awards will be made for approximately one year, unless a compelling justification is made by the PI(s) for an alternate funding period. Standard award period will be May 1 to June 30 of the next fiscal year (ex. May 2024-June 2025).


  • There will only be one REP competition per year.
  • Full proposals must be submitted by 12/15 via the UConn Quest Portal.
  • If 12/15 falls on a weekend, a grace period in the system will allow applications to be accepted beyond the deadline until 12 noon of the next business day.
  • Notification of results will be made to all applicants by May.  Awardees will be announced publicly on the OVPR website and through UConn Today.


REP Stimulus Overview

REP Stimulus Grant Overview:

The primary objective of Stimulus Grants is to provide seed funding to individual or multiple investigators in order to develop or advance existing areas of research to be better positioned for external funding opportunities. These funds can be used to collect pilot data based on new technologies, purchase user time on instruments or university research cores, obtain sequencing or unique software for pre-clinical or clinical data analyses, obtain expert consultation on novel methodological approaches/techniques, pay for technical assistance or key personnel, or to develop key partnerships with industry or foundation partners.  The purpose of the funds must be clearly identified along with a research plan for future funding opportunities.

Stimulus Grants provide up to $25,000 in seed funding to facilitate the initiation, completion, or advancement of research projects. Four to eight awards are expected in this category.

REP Convergence Overview

Convergence Grant Overview

 The primary objective of Convergence Grants is to help facilitate strong interdisciplinary research teams to be better positioned and more competitive in seeking and/or creating new opportunities for extramural funding. Proposals for research projects in all disciplinary areas are encouraged.  Convergence Grants provide funding ranging from $50,000 – $100,000 to facilitate interdisciplinary research initiatives. Number of awards expected in the following ranges:

  • Two awards in the $76,000 to $100,000 range
  • Three to four awards in the $50,000 to $75,000 range

Proposals should be of the highest quality and describe how the project will initiate new areas of research, enhance existing areas of strength at UConn Health, and/or promote health care improvement and new technologies.  Proposals should emphasize and foster interdisciplinary research across multiple colleges/departments, campuses, and disciplinary areas.

What REP Convergence Grants Fund:

  • The REP is focused facilitating projects that have a strong potential to stand out as excellent, both within their disciplines and beyond, adding to UConn’s reputation for innovative research.
  • Proposals for research in all areas and for a wide variety of purposes are encouraged. We recognize that scholarly excellence comes in many forms.
  • Emphasis will be given to projects for which REP funding will make a crucial difference in making a significant accomplishment feasible or make a project substantially more competitive for external funding. REP funding should be a “game-changer,” not an add-on to an already competitive project.
  • Multi-PI, interdisciplinary teams are required for REP Convergence grants. Faculty are encouraged to use Lincus, a search engine that will assist in identifying specific faculty expertise at all UConn campuses, including UConn Health.
  • Proposals addressing opportunities for technology commercialization may be submitted to the REP competition.
  • No preference will be given to proposals based on academic rank of the PI or Co-PIs.
  • We encourage resubmissions of proposals that have been not funded in the past, provided that review panel summaries are provided and PIs explain how they are addressing feedback in the new submission. Previous comments must be addressed whether the PI agrees with them or not.

Convergence Grant Parameters
Proposals can be submitted across a wide variety of areas and disciplines but must emphasize interdisciplinary research collaborations. The following criteria apply for all submissions.

  • Proposals seeking funding in the $50,000 to $75,000 range must include collaborations across two different disciplinary areas.
  • Proposals seeking funding in the $76,000 to $100,000 range must include collaborations across three different disciplinary areas.
  • Proposals are encouraged to consider collaborations with faculty at SODM, Storrs, regional campuses, CCMC and/or Jackson Labs, if applicable. Note that projects with cross-campus Co-PIs must choose to be part of either the Storrs or UCH competitions, unless the proposals are for distinctly different projects.
  • Proposals are encouraged to consider relevant clinical disciplines that would foster greater engagement of translational research as a goal of the convergence.
  • Proposals must target specific extramural funding opportunities (federal, state, industrial, corporate, foundation sponsors).
  • Proposals that do not meet program requirements will not be reviewed.


The UCH Research Excellence Program (Stimulus/Convergence Grants) is available to UConn faculty members, within the following parameters:

  • Primary Appointment:
    • PIs must be faculty whose primary appointment is at UConn/UConn Health.
    • PIs with primary appointments to CCMC, Jackson Labs, or TIP companies are not eligible to apply.
    • Individuals who are not eligible to apply as a PI may be able to serve as a collaborator/consultant on an eligible PI’s project.
  • Effort and Salary:
    • Although no minimum effort level is required for REP projects, a PI/Co-PI must have institutionally-funded research time available during the award period.
    • UCH in-Residence faculty / those whose positions are contingent on grant-funding (soft money positions) must include details about their institutionally-funded research time as part of the budget justification to confirm eligibility.
    • PIs/Co-PIs must each make significant and distinct intellectual contributions to the design and direction of the project.
  • Eligible Faculty Ranks:
    • UCH REP awards are available to tenure-track, tenured, Clinical, Research, and in-Residence faculty with Assistant Professor rank or higher.
  • Eligible faculty may only submit one proposal per year as lead PI. Investigators may serve as collaborator on multiple projects.
  • Faculty who have received two REP awards in the last five years are not eligible.
  • Each distinct project should be submitted only once per program year. Cross-campus teams should decide which program (Storrs or UCH) they want to apply for. The same project will not be considered multiple times per program year.
  • Lead PIs for Storrs/Regional REP and UCH REP awards must have a primary affiliation with those campuses.

Proposal Guidelines / Submission Instructions

REP grant proposals are submitted though the OVPR Internal Funding Program and not through Sponsored Program Services.

Proposals must be submitted electronically through the UConn Quest Portal by 12/15 (or the following business day at 12PM, if the deadline falls on a weekend) and will require the following information:

Proposal Package Components

Please be sure to read all the guidelines thoroughly. Each item/section should be prepared, labeled, and ordered as indicated below.  Some information will need to be entered into a form on the application site.  Other documents will need to be uploaded.  See below for details.

Faculty Applicant Information Form

(some information may pre-populate into the form):

  • Submitting PI Name
  • Home Department
  • School/College
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Faculty/Academic Rank
  • Primary Employer
  • Question - is your position contingent on grant funding?

 REP Application Form:

  • REP Category: (1) Science, Engineering, Math, Technology, Social Science; or (2) Arts, Humanities, Business, Law, Engagement.  Form will also contain choices for applicants from UCH.
  • Project Type: Single PI or Multi-PI
  • Discipline (for reviewer selection purposes--please select the one that best represents the work you are proposing):
    • Note: there will be a large list of disciplines that are more relevant to applicants from Storrs.  See below for guidance for UCH applicants
      • Convergence applicants - select "medical research", unless there is a Storrs-based discipline that is a better match for your work
      • Stimulus applicants - select "UCH Stimulus"
  • Special Reviewer Expertise (optional): If your project requires reviewers to possess specific expertise within the context of your discipline (i.e. familiarity with a specialized approach or methodology), please specify.
  • Size of Team: 0-8
  • Key Personnel: Co-PIs, department affiliation, role on project
  • Project Title:
  • Project Abstract / Lay Summary: Succinctly state (for a non-specialist audience) the objectives, methods to be employed, and the significance of the proposed activity to the advancement of knowledge, pursuit of scholarly activity, or contribution to creative work.
  • Future Funding and/or Activities: The applicant should specify where extramural grant proposals will be submitted and/or the high level disciplinary accomplishments that will result from this REP funding.
  • Results from prior OVPR-funded projects: If you've received funding in the past from OVPR internal seed grants or commercialization grants, please give a brief account of the outcomes of those projects and any research products generated.
  • Keywords: List 4-5 keywords relevant to project

Project Plan (PDF upload):

The Project Plan should be 3-5 pages in length (12-pt font and 1” margins). The Project Plan should address each of the areas below in sufficient detail using the headings provided. Proposals should be written in straightforward language, keeping in mind that reviewers will possess general content knowledge but not necessarily specific expertise in the area of study. Proposals should avoid the use of technical or discipline-specific jargon. Acronyms that are not universally understood should be spelled out the first time they are used.

  • Significance/Importance: Provide a clear and compelling rationale for why the proposed project, scholarly activity, or creative work matters. Indicate how the proposed project will advance knowledge, address an important scientific or scholarly problem, demonstrate intellectual or creative significance, and/or benefit society in meaningful ways. If applicable, include hypotheses to be tested, specific goals/aims, and relevant background/information or preliminary data in support of the project.
  • Approach and Timeline: Describe the plan for carrying out the proposed activities, including research design, work plan, and methodological approach.  Describe the timeline projected for completing this work.  If funding is requested for more than one year, provide a rationale and justification for the request.
  • Innovation/Novelty: Outline the ways in which this project’s proposed work is new/innovative in its approach, methods, or techniques in comparison to previous work in the field.
  • Feasibility and Resources: Explain the feasibility of the work proposed, describing the availability of necessary resources and other factors that may impact the completion of the project.
  • Investigators/Collaborators: Describe how the PI and/or collaborators are well-suited to carry out the proposed project. For Multi-PI proposals, indicate how the project brings together individuals from different disciplines and how the collaboration will advance the proposed project. For single PI proposals, indicate how the proposed work enhances and/or advances the PI’s scholarship or creative products.
  • Impact and Outcomes: Indicate the value or impact of the proposed project, once complete? How does the project reflect institutional, state, national, and/or global priorities? In what ways will the results of this work be transformative within its discipline and beyond? What broader societal benefits does it promise? What is your plan / mechanism for assessing the project’s success and evaluating outcomes? For Multi-PI, interdisciplinary proposals, indicate the external funding opportunity that will be targeted as a result of the REP.
  • Resubmissions: If the proposal is a resubmission from a previous internal or external grant competition, Summarize the feedback received and provide responses to reviewers’ comments. Indicate how and where the reviewers’ comments were addressed. Full text of reviewer comments must be included as an appendix if the project has been previously submitted to external sponsors.

Proposed Budget (excel upload):

List and justify each budget item. You should use the Budget Template.xlsx provided (see budget prep information below) to list the items and their respective costs. Please provide a justification for each budget item in the appropriate column in the spreadsheet. If additional space is needed, you may include a budget justification document as an appendix.

Biosketches/CVs (PDF upload, single document):

Please include biosketches/CVs (formatted as appropriate for your field) for all PIs/Co-PIs.  Include your most recent publications or those most relevant to the work proposed.  Also include current/pending support from external sponsors and UConn sources (including start-up funding). This may be appended to the end of the CV/biosketch or integrated within it, if your discipline’s format already provides space for current/pending.

Appendices (PDF upload, single document):

Past reviewer comments and extra budget justifications may be included as appendices. Additional information may be included when it is truly essential for adequate peer review of the proposal.

Budget Preparation

Please see the general budget guidelines for the OVPR Research Development Internal Funding awards.

Review Criteria

Each proposal will undergo a peer review process overseen by the OVPR with input from the SOM and SDM. The review process will include internal peer reviewers from the university community and external reviews by Hanover Research as appropriate. Reviewers will be selected based on areas of expertise and past success in grantwriting.
Using a 5-point rating scale from 1 (Excellent) to 5 (Poor), reviewers will rate and evaluate 6 criteria (Significance, Innovation/Novelty, Feasibility/Resources/Timeline, Investigators/Collaborators, Impacts/Outcomes, and Assessment). In addition, reviewers will evaluate the budget and provide funding recommendations.


  • Does this study address an important scientific problem?
  • If the aims of the project are achieved, will scientific knowledge, technical capability, clinical practice, and/or social conditions be advanced in meaningful ways?
  • Does the proposed project significantly contribute to the concepts, theories, methods, technologies, applications, treatments, outcomes, services, and/or preventive interventions that drive the field/discipline?
  • Were the study’s hypotheses, aims, and/or goals clearly articulated, well-reasoned, and adequately supported?


  • Is the project original and innovative? Does the project challenge existing paradigms, methods, approaches, applications, theories, practice and/or barriers to progress in the field(s)?
  • Does the project develop or employ novel concepts, approaches, methodologies, technologies, applications, treatments, tools, and/or interventions?

Feasibility/Resources, and Timeline

  • Are the conceptual, theoretical, or clinical frameworks, design, methods, and analyses adequately developed, well-reasoned, appropriate to the aims of the project and reflective of scientific rigor?
  • Does the environment in which the work will be done contribute to the probability of success?
  • Does the proposed project benefit from unique features of the scientific environment or subject populations, or employ useful collaborative arrangements?
  • Is the timeline adequate for achieving goals & meeting the project aims? For proposals requesting funding to exceed one year, is the request justified and supported?


  • Are the PI, collaborators, and other personnel well-suited to carry out the project?
  • Do the collaborators have complementary and integrated expertise?
  • For Single-PI proposals, does the proposed work advance the PI’s scholarship or likelihood of obtaining an external award?
  • Does the PI (and collaborators for Multi-PI proposals) demonstrate an ongoing/emerging record of accomplishments that have advanced the respective field(s)?

Impact and Outcomes

  • Is the proposed project compelling and if successful, would it make a meaningful disciplinary or interdisciplinary contribution and/or advancement?
  • Does the project address institutional, state, national, and/or global priorities?
  • Does the project have strong potential for producing valuable societal benefits?
  • Does the project have high potential for national or international recognition and achievement?
  • Is the proposal high quality and appropriate for the REP?
  • Does the project have high potential for extramural funding or disciplinary achievement?
  • Does the PI provide evidence from a previous external review that the current proposal would address a weakness and/or strengthen resubmission (e.g., previous feedback suggested additional pilot data was needed or work would be strengthened by more in depth archival analysis, etc).
  • Does the proposal contain an adequate plan or mechanism for assessing success and evaluating outcomes?
  • For Multi-PI proposals, was an external funding opportunity identified?

Budget Evaluation:

  • Is the project budget appropriate and sufficient to carry out the proposed work?
  • Are the budget requests adequately justified, clearly articulated, and necessary for the scope of work and timeline?
  • Would you recommend any reduction in the budget?

Funding Recommendations:
Reviewers will be asked to make funding recommendations based on the merits of each proposal.

Postaward Reporting

After REP awards are made, the OVPR would like to check in with awardees periodically to evaluate project progress and to learn about the impact of the work that has been done. Please use the Award Report Template to write a 1-2 page narrative and email it to research@uconn.edu.


Program Contacts


  1. Request access to the controlled data sets from the appropriate dbGaP (Database of Genotypes and Phenotypes) Data Access Committee (DAC): https://dbgap.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/aa/dbgap_request_process.pdf.
  2. Download and complete the model Data Use Certification (DUC) for the controlled data set of interest:
    • Visit the dbGAP site at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gap.
    • Search for the study from which data are requested. For example, “joint addiction, aging, mental health” results in number of studies.dbgap1
    • Click on the linked study title of interest for instructions on how to download the model DUC and determine if IRB approval is required. Model DUC and IRB Requirements can be found under the “Study” tab in the “Authorized Access” section (as shown in screenshot).
    • If IRB approval is required, go to the section for “dbGaP Access Request” found at https://ovpr.uchc.edu//rcs/hspp/irb/irb-instructions-forms-and-samples/
      download and complete the form “dbGaP Access Request Form for IRB Certification.”
  3. Complete the Data Security and Data Release Form (MS Word)  (PDF).
  4. Email the completed Model Data Use Certification, IRB Approval for dbGaP Data Access (if required), and Data Security and Data Release Reporting form to the AVP for Research, Research IT Services – Dr. Khamis Abu-Hasaballah – at khamis@uconn.edu. Upon verification and approval of these documents, the AVP for Research will issue a certification letter signed by him, the Institutional Chief Security Officer, and the Institutional Signing Official (SPS Director).

Travel Grants for Postdoctoral Fellows

Application Guidelines and Instructions

This program has been established to support travel costs for postdoctoral fellows who present research results in-person at scientific meetings and symposia. The program will support costs of that travel up to a limit of $700 per fiscal year. Note, HCRAC travel funds cannot be combined with any other UConn travel support.

Awards are made on a first-come, first-served basis, until the funds for this program have been exhausted.

  • Eligibility for this program is restricted to UConn Health postdoctoral fellows whose faculty preceptor for research is based at UConn Health and contributes their indirect costs to UConn Health.
  • Applicants must be first author on a research abstract and present a corresponding poster or talk; the topic must be central to postdoctoral research performed at UConn Health.
  • Postdocs may only receive one travel grant in a given year .

If there are any questions about this travel grant program, please contact Stephanie Holden at 860.679.2513 or sholden@uchc.edu.

InfoEd eRA Portal

InfoEd UConn HealthThe UConn Health InfoEd is an enterprise-level, web-based application designed to manage all activities related to the management and execution of the research  project life cycle – from cradle to grave. The system comprises a suite of modules, each designed to manage a specific aspect of the research project cycle. These include: proposal development and submission to the funding entity during the pre-award phase (Proposal Development – PD) ; proposal tracking and management in the post-award phase (Proposal Tracking – PT); human research protocol application management (Human Subjects Management – HSM); lab animal protocol application management (Lab Animals Management – LAM); environmental safety management (Environmental Safety Management – ESM); intellectual property management (Technology Transfer – TT); and clinical trial management, case report form (CRF) design, and scientific data collection and management (Clinical Trials Management – CTM).  Modules currently installed at UConn Health include:

  • Proposal Tracking (PT) – This module acts as a central clearinghouse of both pre- and post-award information. It provides a single reference point for tracking all details related to proposals including: budgets, subcontracts, approvals, technical reports, and all associated communications.
  • Financial Conflict of Interests – This module provides researchers with the ability to complete and submit researcher and staff financial interest disclosures electronically. It allows Research Compliance Services staff to track and manage conflicts of interest, establish management plans, and fulfill our policy requirements. The module interfaces with proposals and human subjects. These materials include how-to instructions for UConn  Health. Consult the FCOI website at UConn Storrs for the UConn Storrs and Regional Campuses FCOI how-to materials.
  • Animal Facility Management / CCM Module – The InfoEd Animal Facility Management supports the animal care operations of the Center for Comparative Medicine (CCM) including animal ordering, husbandry, census, and billing of animal facility protocols.
  • Lab Animal Use / IACUC Module – This module is designed to support the review and management of animal research protocols by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).
  • Tech Transfer (TT) – This module is used to manage administrative data relating to intellectual property and tracks inventors, patents, key dates, contacts, agreements, documents and communications, and financial information tied to expenses and royalties.
  • SPIN (Sponsored Programs Information Network) – SPIN is a searchable database that provides real-time access to current research funding opportunities. All data in SPIN is obtained directly from the sponsoring agencies themselves to ensure authenticity. To use SPIN, login to InfoEd and then choose Find Funding link at the top of the page.
  • SMARTS (SPIN Matching And Research Transmittal Service) – SMARTS is an automated system that periodically queries the SPIN database and sends notifications to investigators regarding available funding opportunities in their field of study.

Sponsored Program Administration (SPA) Archive


    • Agenda
      • Export Control Overview – Mike Shelton
      • Banner 9 upgrade
      • Post-award
        • FY 2024 NRSA Stipend / Tuition levels
        • Year End Reminders
        • Quick hits – Travel Authorizations
      • Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Program
      • SPA Training – June meeting


    • Agenda
      • Foreign Travel / Export Control Updates – Mike Shelton and Bieu Tran
      • Pre-award 
        • Federal Sponsor Updates ​- NSF
      • Post-award
        • 2023 Single Audit
        • FY 2024 NRSA Stipends – NOT-OD-24-059
        • Banner Upgrade
        • P-Card Review



  • February 21, 2024 – Presentation Slides
    • Agenda
      • SPA Training announcements
      • Pre-award
        • Understanding NIH Application/Grant Numbers
        • NIH Guidance on Marking Changes in Resubmission Applications
        • NIH/DHHS Salary Limitation 2024
        • Delegations in eRA Commons and RPPR Privileges
        • Reports Due to Sponsor
      • Post-award
        • EPAFs, Tips, Tricks & Reminders
        • Award Budget Reminder – Travel


  • January 17, 2024 – Presentation Slides
    • Agenda
      • SPA Training announcements
        • New On-Demand e-learning modules
        • SPA Training Resources
      • Pre-award
        • Federal Sponsor Updates – NIH
        • NIH Letters of Support
        • OVPR Proposal Submission Policy
        • Fellowship Applications – Submission Policy
      • Post-award


  • November 15, 2023 – Presentation Slides
    • Agenda
      • InfoEd version 13 (v13) Portal View
      • Research Finance – F & A Base Year Follow-Up
        • Tracking Students & Unpaid Occupants
        • Preliminary Inventory Review
      • Pre-award
        • NIH Foreign Subrecipients – access to documents requirement
      •  Post-award
        • Cost Transfer Best PracticesSPA Training
      • SPA Training
        • NCURA Region 1 – Spring meeting
        • Resources
        • December SPA


  • October 18, 2023 – Presentation Slides
    •  Agenda
      • Introducing the DMPTool – Adria Barbano, Academic IT Services
      • Research Finance
        • Reallocating Grant Fringe Budgets
        • F & A Proposal- Base Year 2024
      • Pre-award
        • Changes to DSMP – Prior Approval
        • Sample Routing Documents
        • Proposal and Award Budget Templates
        • Proposal Submission Policy
        • New administrative staff – email lists
        • Inform Your Faculty – reminder
        • Cost Share Approval
        • IBC and ICUC Grant Congruence Review Process Change
      • Post-award
        • F & A on Sponsored Projects
      • SPA Training resources


  • September 20, 2023 – Presentation Slides
    • Agenda
      • Pre-award
        • DMPTool
        • NIH RPPR – Section D
        • NIH Data Management and Sharing Costs
        • NIH – Hyperlinks Unallowable
        • PI Eligibility – Fellowship Applications
        • Proposal and Award Budget Templates
        • Inform Your Faculty
        • Research Fringe Benefits rates
        • AMS Updates
      • Post-award
        • Reminders and New Processes for Better Documenting Cost Allocation
        • Consulting Invoice Checklist
        • Procurement/Contracts Information Session – 10/30, 1:00 p.m., Keller Auditorium
      • SPA Training – Upcoming classes


  • May 17, 2023 – Presentation Slides
    • Agenda
      • Introduction – Bernard Cook, School of Medicine
      • Updates to Funding Opportunity Terminology
      • Policy – Qualifying Submissions
      • Change to NIAMS Participation in NIH Parent R21 Announcements
      • Year-End Reminders
      • Training – class attendance
      • Upcoming training classes


  • April 19, 2023 – Presentation Slides
    • Agenda
      • eRA Commons News – Redesigned xTRAIN
      • Compliance Reminder
      • NIH Other Support Reminders
      • IPR Compliance Crosswalk
      • SPS Staffing Update
      • 75521 Computing Devices – Guidance
      • AMS Events
      • SPA training – upcoming classes


  • March 15, 2023 – Presentation Slides
    • Agenda
      • NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy – Reminders
      • Proposal Tips and Tricks
        • Indirect Costs on Cost-Shared Expenses
        • Participant Support vs. Human Subjects Payments
      • SPS Staffing Update
      • Pre-Award Requests
      • LDCA’s
      • Account Code 75520
      • SPA Training – upcoming classes


  • February 22, 2023 – Presentation Slides
    • Agenda
      • Proposal Submission Policy
      • Assist Applications
      • eRA Commons Accounts – Personal Profile
      • UCH as a subrecipient – reminders
      • NSF Safe & Inclusive Workspaces – New Requirement
      • NSF Audit Reminders
      • FY 2023 NRSA Stipend/Tuition Levels
      • Student Fees
      • No Cost Extensions – Best Practices
      • New Policies and where to find them 
      • CRA study group
      • SPA Training Job Aids


      • January 25, 2023 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Confidentiality Agreements and Non-Disclosure Agreements
          • SPS Staff Updates
          • NIH Data Sharing and Management Plan Requirement
          • NIH/DHHS Salary Limitation 2023
          • NIH Project Roles
          • Eligibility to Serve as PI
          • Proposal Tips and Tricks – Cash vs. In-Kind Cost Share
          • SPA Training Updates


      • November 16, 2022 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • InfoEd updates
          • OVPR Proposal Submission Policy
          • Sample Routing Documents
          • Proposal Routing Requirements Checklist
          • ABP/Other Bonuses
          • A/P Invoicing
          • Subaward Requests in HuskyBuy
          • AMS Events Module
          • SPS Updates
          • Overview of Agreements reviewed/negotiated by Contracts Group
          • SPA Training Announcements and Updates


      • October 19, 2022 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • IRB Presentation – Mayra Cagganello
          • NASA Certification
          • NIH Data Sharing & Management Plan
          • Contract Submission Reminders
          • Annual Data Report
          • SPA Training – upcoming classes


      • September 21, 2022 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Environmental Health and Safety Updates
          • Grants.gov Downtime
          • NIH Genomic Data Sharing
          • NCI Minimum Level of Effort
          • NSF Fastlane
          • Mobile Device Management
          • Contract Services Group – updates
          • SPA Training Updates


      •  June 22, 2022 – Presentation Slides
        •  Agenda
          • Accounting for Costs – UG, CAS, HuskyBuy/Banner
          • DHHS F & A Rate Agreement
          • eRA Commons Enhancements
          • Proposal Budget Template
          • SPS Personnel Updates
          • SPS Contact Assignments
          • Greenphire update


      • May 18, 2022 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • SPA Announcement
          • June 2022 Updated RPPR Module and Instructions
          • Internal Routing and Submission Deadlines
          • Contracted Salary Increases – Budgets for Proposals
          • Institutional Base Salary
          • FY 2022 NRSA Stipend/Tuition Levels


      • April 20, 2022 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • HuskyBuy Invoice Approval Automation
          • Year end calendar
          • New onboarding process for unpaid experiential
          • AMS go-live update
          • Personnel changes
          • New fringe benefits rates to use for budgeting
          • Proposal Routing – Documents and Timeline
          • Flatten PDFs – JIT and RPPR


      • March 16, 2022 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • 50K Program
          • SPA Training updates – website updates and new Level One Basics class
          • DocuSign updates
          • DocuSign – resource discussion
          • Other Support/In Kind Support FAQ’s



      • January 19, 2022 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • F&A Rate Agreement Renewal
          • SPA Training
          • NIH Era Commons Id For All Senior/Key Personnel
          • NIH Submission Of Inclusion Enrollment Data
          • NIH Annotated Forms G Set
          • NIH Pre- And Post-Award Disclosures
          • NIH Grants Policy Statement
          • Uncashed Checks
          • FDP Clearinghouse




      • October 20, 2021 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Research Development Services
          • Banner 9 Upgrade
          • Fall 2021 NIH Virtual Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration Registration
          • eRA Commons Enhancement for Submit Reference Letter Screen
          • Change to NIDCD Admin Reduction Guidance for Modular R01 Awards
          • Proposal Dashboard Update
          • Effort Certification After End Date
          • Black Friday Update


      • September 15, 2021 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Fall 2021 NIH Virtual Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration Registration
          • Unique Entity Identifier for Federal Sponsors
          • NIH Updated Policy for Family Leave and Unpaid Leave for Extramural Loan Repayment Program
          • NSF Website Enhancements
          • Extending the Special Exception to the NIH/AHRQ/NIOSH Post Submission Material Policy During COVID-19
          • NSF Pre-Award and Post Award Disclosures Related to the Bio-Sketch
          • Scope of Work Change
          • Approved Fringe Benefit Rates for 2022


      • June 15, 2021 – Presentation Slides
        •  Agenda
          • Institutional Base Pay
          • NSF Publications Repository Changes
          • New NIH Inbox for Biographical Sketch and Other Support Questions
          • Revised NIH Grants Policy Statement
          • eRA Commons Expanding Requirements for IDs
          • What’s an Application Packet and When is it Needed
          • Proposal Submission 9:00 am Due Date


      • May 19, 2021 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Biosafety Cabinet Certifications
          • Year End Reminders
          • Proposal Submission Policy Timeline and Reminders
          • Fringe Benefit Rates
          • NIH Biographical Sketch and Other Support
          • Training Reminders


      • April 21, 2021 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Research Development Services Overview
          • Salary Cap
          • American Heart Association Carryover and No Cost Extension Updates and Reminders
          • Publications and Printing Costs on Sponsored Awards
          • IPR Routing Tips
          • eRACommons Phasing Out Internet Explorer
          • Redesigned RePORTTool
          • eRACommons Login Tip
          • NIH Biographical Sketch and Other Support




      • December 16, 2020 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Foreign Influence – Wesley Byerly
          • OCTR Manager Change
          • January Federal Costing Principles Module
          • SPA Meeting Calendar Request
          • ERA Commons Update
          • Proposal Submission Policy



      • October 21, 2020 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Proposal Process – Under Development
          • F&A on Projects of $50K or Less
          • Sabbatical
          • Principal Investigator Eligibility
          • Use of Hypertext in NIH Grant Applications
          • NIH Virtual Seminar
          • OVPR Website
          • Subaward Invoice Review
          • Effort Reporting During Covid


      • July 29, 2020 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • NIH updates
          • NSF changes to award terms and conditions
          • Spotlight on the new guidance for expenditures on sponsored awards
          • NSF audit findings discussion
          • Use of ASSIST
          • gov resources
          • Training videos
          • Learn grants
          • Visa costs
          • Human subject participant payments


      • June 24, 2020 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • OMB Expired Administrative Flexibilities
          • HR Guidance Regarding Pay and Telecommuting
          • Expenditures on Sponsored Awards Guidance
          • Changes in HSS Post-Submission Updates with Forms-F
          • PHS Human Subjects & Clinical Trials Information Form
          • NIH, AHRQ, and NIOSH Updates
          • Budgeting for Fringe Benefits on Sponsored Programs Updates


      • May 26, 2020 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Year-end Processing
          • New Fringe Benefits Rates
          • NIH Transition to Forms F
          • COVID-related Information in RPPRs
          • Requisitions needing SPS approval
          • PPE Purchases


      • April 16, 2020 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • COVID-19 Information 
          • Unique Entity Identifier 
          • NIH Updates 
          • NSF Updates 
          • FCOI Update 
          • Budget and Justification 
          • End of Grant 
          • Program Income 
          • Cost Transfers 
          • Subaward Invoice Review 
          • Fringe Rates 
          • Questions 


      • February 18, 2020 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda:
          • Infographics Overview
          • NIH Applications
          • Change in Submission Deadlines and End of Recent Substantial Service Option
          • Guidance on Video Submission
          • SPS Routing Deadlines
          • Certificate of Confidentiality
          • Issuance of a Revised NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide
          • DHHS Salary Cap
          • NRSA Stipend/Tuition Levels
          • Cost Transfer Update
          • Question from the audience – Can you charge travel on a grant if not originally in the budget?


      • January 14, 2020 (there were no meetings in November or December, 2019) – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda:
          • May 2020 SPA Location Change
          • NIH Public Access Policy
          • IPAS Rebudget Requests
          • NIH Multiple PI Certification
          • NIH Human Subjects Decision Tool
          • FDP Expanded Clearinghouse
          • ORCiD
          • NIH Submission Policies


      • October 15, 2019 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • NSF Audit
          • New IPR Form
          • IPR Highlight
          • Effort on Federal Projects
          • NIH Update
          • SPS UConn Health Budget Templates
          • Human Subjects Research
          • New IPAS Form
          • Change to Project Agreement Issuance


      • September 17, 2019 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Draft FDA Guidance with Dr. Wesley Byerly
          • Fringe Benefits
          • Use of Research Labs
          • UConn Health OVPR Costs
          • Training Updates
          • Pre-Award Updates
          • NIH Other Support
          • NIH HFT Use
          • ORCiD ID
          • Sponsor Invoicing
          • Cost Transfers
          • Team Structure in SPS
          • SPS Policy Updates


      • May 28. 2019 – Presentation Slides and Compliance Slides
        • Agenda
          • CRA Study Group Update
          • UCH Compliance Group (see compliance slides)
          • Year End Processes
          • 7630 Account Category
          • Fringe Benefit Rates
          • Salary Cap Updates


      • April 30, 2019 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Year End Dates
          • Redesigned eRAWebsite
          • NIH Funding Strategies
          • Fringe Benefit Rates
          • Salary Cap Updates


      • March 26, 2019 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Grant Writer Kit Bonin
          • Training Update
          • OIG Audit Overview
          • NIH Updates
          • Raises in July


      • January 15, 2019 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Training Update
          • Export Control
          • Fly America Act
          • NIH Updates


      • November 27, 2018 – Presentation Slides
      • NIH Handouts
        • Agenda
          • New Website
          • Training Update
          • Review of FDP Agreement Request Form
          • AMS Updates
          • Transfer Vouchers
          • Decoding NIH Grant Numbers (see NIH handouts)
          • Sponsor Updates: NIH and NSF
      • October 23, 2018 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Training Update
          • New Website
          • Review of new ICF
          • Procurement and Sole Sourcing
          • Process for Contracts and Subawards
          • Effort Reporting
          • New F&A Agreement
          • Sponsor Updates: NSF, NIH, and DOD


      ResearchMatch.org is a national online recruitment tool for health research, funded by the National Institutes of Health and maintained at Vanderbilt University. ResearchMatch connects health researchers with individuals interested in volunteering, through its secure online matching tool. UConn Health is part of the ResearchMatch Network. There is no cost to UConn Health researchers to use ResearchMatch. There are currently over 170,000 (and counting!) registered volunteers across the country. ResearchMatch is also available in Spanish.

      Register now to see if ResearchMatch might be a useful recruitment tool for your health-outcomes research study:

      Use this link to register as a researcher: https://www.researchmatch.org/researchers/. You do not need to be a Principal Investigator to register. The registration process takes less than 10 minutes and when you are finished, you will be granted “feasibility access” to do a feasibility search of aggregate data regarding the current ResearchMatch volunteer population. You will be able to see the demographic and health information breakdown for the volunteers within a designated geographic area.

      If you decide to use ResearchMatch to conduct participant recruitment, you will need IRB approval:
      1. The Vanderbilt IRB provides oversight for ResearchMatch as a recruitment tool and this has been documented within the ResearchMatch IRB Letter of Understanding (available upon request), but to use ResearchMatch as a recruitment tool for a specific study, you will first need to get UConn Health IRB approval.
        1. For the IRB submission, the following language may be used to describe ResearchMatch as a recruitment method: Potential volunteers will be contacted by ResearchMatch via an email contact message containing IRB-approved recruitment language for this study (not including direct study contact information such as study phone number). Volunteers will then have the option of replying by clicking ‘yes’ or ‘no’  in the contact message. If a volunteer chooses to respond in the affirmative, they will authorize ResearchMatch to release their contact information to the PI (or ResearchMatch designee) who will be responsible for managing that information according to institutional guidelines.
        2. The contact message consists of the language to be used in the email sent by ResearchMatch on your behalf to potential participants. Please note that your contact message must not include your direct study contact information (email or phone), and must not exceed 2000 characters. If the study involves in-person participation, you may want to include the geographical location of the study site. If you intend to include healthy controls, specify that in your contact message, otherwise, a healthy control volunteer may decline participation. Please see contact message examples provided by ResearchMatch as well as this form that offers additional tips for creating an effective contact message.
      2. Once ResearchMatch is an IRB-approved recruitment method, you may then register as a researcher to request “recruitment access” in ResearchMatch. You will need to upload your IRB approval letter and your IRB-approved contact message. Recruitment access will give you the ability to send your contact message to potential participants that you select. If a potential participant agrees, you will then have access to his/her contact information in order to contact about possible study participation.



            For questions about how to use ResearchMatch for your health research, please contact ResearchMatch Liaison, Ellen Ciesielski, eciesielski@uchc.edu.

            ClinicalTrials.gov Registration

            To register your trial:

              1. Request an account for the ClinicalTrials.gov Protocol Registration and Results System by emailing the local ClinicalTrials.gov Administrator, Ellen Ciesielski.  The message should be sent by the person who will be creating the Protocol Record for a clinical trial, i.e., the PI or the PI’s designee. A Protocol Record can have only one “Owner.”
              2. Receive by automated email a login name and a temporary password.
              3. Go to the Clinicaltrials.gov website.
              4. Complete the login fields. If you are a UConn Health investigator, in the “Organization” field, type “UConnHealth.” If you are a UConn Storrs or Regional Campus investigator, in the “Organization field, type “UConn.”
              5. Browse the Main Menu page. Under “User Account,” follow the instructions for changing your temporary password as soon as possible. Save your password; you will need it for periodic updates and verification. Under “Help”, refer to the “User’s Guide” for additional information. As the PI, or PI designee, you are a User and are responsible for entering the information about your trial, ensuring that the information is correct, and updating the information in a timely manner (for updating, see NOTE at the end of this section).
              6. On the Main Menu page, under “Protocol Record” click on “Create” and complete the study description template. Note that required fields are marked with
                • * [a red asterisk] = required by ClinicalTrials.gov
                • FDAAA [in green] = required to comply with US Public Law 110-85, Section 801
                • (FDAAA) [in green] = may be required to comply with US Public Law 110-85, Section 801

            Work your way through the data fields to complete the Protocol Record. Data are saved as each screen is filled in, so that you can “Quit” at any time, saving the Record for later completion using “Modify.”

            Complete the following fields as follows:

                • Organization’s Unique Protocol ID: Use the IRB number.
                • Secondary ID: Use the grant number.

            Investigators from UConn Health:

                • Board Name: Use UConn Health IRB
                • Board Affiliation: Use UConn Health
                • Board Contact E-Mail and phone: Use your study’s IRB panel Coordinator
                  • Pam Colwell – engelson@uchc.edu, 860-679-1019 (Panel 1 and CICATS and new expedited/exempt submissions)
                  • Patricia Gneiting – gneiting@uchc.edu, 860-679-4849 (Panel 2 and new expedited/exempt submissions, facilitated reviews)
                • Board Contact Address:  UConn Health IRB, 263 Farmington Avenue, Farmington, CT 06030-1511

            Investigators from University of Connecticut Storrs and Regional Campuses:

                • Board Name: use University of Connecticut IRB
                • Board Affiliation: use University of Connecticut
                • Board Contact E-Mail: doug.bradway@uconn.edu
                • Board Contact Phone: (860) 486-0986
                • Board Contact Address: UConn IRB, 438 Whitney Road Extension, Unit 1246, Storrs, CT 06269

            Investigators from UConn Health and University of Connecticut Storrs and Regional Campuses:

                • Oversight Authorities: If this is not an FDA-regulated protocol, state “United States: IRB”
                • Collaborators: Other organizations (if any) providing support, including funding, design, implementation, data analysis and reporting.
                • Record Verification Date: Enter the month and year in which you are completing the record. This field will need to be updated each time you update the record after it is registered.
                • Primary Completion Date: final data collection date, specifically regarding the Primary Outcome Measure
                • Responsible Party: The Principal Investigator should be listed as the Responsible Party.
                • Specifying Study Arms: along with Data Definitions, help is available at https://prsinfo.clinicaltrials.gov/definitions.html#Arms
                • Conditions: Use the MeSH controlled vocabulary. If you don’t, ClinicalTrials.gov staff is likely to delete your term and choose one of their own.
                • Keywords: Use the MeSH controlled vocabulary. If you don’t, ClinicalTrials.gov staff is likely to delete your term and choose one of their own.
                • Investigators: list all investigators on the approved IRB protocol.

            Automatic messages from the electronic system:

                • WARNING: indicates a data element required by the FDA Amendments Act of 2007 has not been entered.
                • ERROR: indicates a serious problem that needs to be addressed
                • ALERT: indicates a problem that needs to be addressed; generally that problem is a missing data element required by ICMJE
                • NOTE: indicates a potential problem that should be reviewed and corrected, as needed
                • Protocol Records must be free of the first three messages in order to be approved and released to ClinicalTrials.gov for processing and publication

            To maintain your record and remain in compliance with the Final Rule, you must update the data fields on the schedule detailed in the table:

            Data Field Deadline for Updating
            (i.e., not later than the specified date)
            Study Start Date 30 calendar days after the first subject is enrolled (if the first human subject was not enrolled at the time of registration).
            Intervention Name(s) 30 calendar days after a nonproprietary name is established.
            Availability of Expanded Access 30 calendar days after expanded access becomes available (if available after registration); and 30 calendar days after an NCT number is assigned to a newly created expanded access record. [1]
            Expanded Access Status 30 calendar days after a change in the availability of expanded access.
            Expanded Access Type 30 calendar days after a change in the type(s) of available expanded access.
            Overall Recruitment Status 30 calendar days after a change in overall recruitment status. [2]
            Individual Site Status 30 calendar days after a change in status of any individual site.
            Human Subjects Protection Review Board Status 30 calendar days after a change in status.
            Primary Completion Date 30 calendar days after the clinical trial reaches its actual primary completion date.
            Enrollment At the time the primary completion date is changed to “actual,” the actual number of participants enrolled must be submitted.
            Study Completion Date 30 calendar days after the clinical trial reaches its actual study completion date.
            Responsible Party, by Official Title 30 calendar days after a change in the responsible party or the official title of the responsible party.
            Responsible Party Contact Information 30 calendar days after a change in the responsible party or the contact information for the responsible party.
            Device Product Not Approved or Cleared by U.S. FDA 15 calendar days after a change in approval or clearance status has occurred.
            Device Product Not Approved or Cleared by U.S. FDA 15 calendar days after a change in approval or clearance status has occurred.
            Record Verification Date Any time the responsible party reviews the complete set of submitted clinical trial information for accuracy and not less than every 12 months, even if no other updated information is submitted at that time.
            [1] If expanded access to an investigational drug product becomes available after a clinical trial of that drug product has been registered and an expanded access record has not yet been created, a responsible party who is both the manufacturer of the investigational product and the sponsor of the applicable clinical trial must also, not later than 30 calendar days after expanded access becomes available, submit the data elements in accordance with 42 CFR 11.28(c) to create an expanded access record.[2] If Overall Recruitment Status is changed to “suspended,” “terminated,” or “withdrawn,” the Why Study Stopped data element must be submitted at the time the update is made.