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A subaward is a portion of an award that is distributed by the University of the original award (pass-through entity or prime) to a third party (subrecipient or subawardee) to facilitate performance of and payment for project work in compliance with project’s terms and conditions.  When the prime award is made to the University and accepted by Sponsored Program Services (SPS), an account number is assigned and the Principal Investigator (PI) is notified.

A subaward may be issued by the University as the recipient of a prime award or as the Subrecipient of another institution’s prime award.  The University now uses the Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) subaward template for Research Subaward Agreements (RSA).

Subawards are typically funded on an annual basis, renewable for additional periods as appropriate or based on availability of prime award funding.  Modifications or amendments may be made when circumstances require a change to terms and conditions.

Projects that involve subawards have special requirements both at the proposal and the award stage as well as during the life of the subaward.

» Learn more about initiating a subaward.
» FDP Agreement Request Form.