When SPS has set up a new award that has a subaward component, the Department will receive an email with the fund number. The Department will then:
1. Submit a requisition in HuskyBuy.
- If the vendor (Subrecipient) is not available in HuskyBuy, obtain a completed and signed Form W-9 from the vendor and create the new vendor through HuskyBuy.
- Proper account codes to use on the requisition
- 78501 – Grants Federal Subcontracts under $25,000
- 78502 – Grants Federal Subcontracts over $25,000
- 78503 – Grants Subcontracts with indirect costs (IDC)
- 78504 – Grants Subcontracts with no indirect copsts (IDC)
2. Attach the following documents:
- FDP Agreement Request Form
- Information and Compliance form for Subrecipients
- Subrecipient SOW, budget and budget justification
- Subrecipient Compliance approvals, if applicable
3. SPS will confirm receipt and send the Department a final draft to review before sending the Subaward Agreement out for Subrecipient signature.
Amendments will be used to make any necessary changes to the Agreement. Amendment requests are submitted in HuskyBuy by the PI or designee. SPS will draft and send the Amendment to the Subrecipient and encumber the funds in HuskyBuy by approving the PO.