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Click Here to Go to iRIS if you are already familiar with using the system.

GET HELP: iRIS is the electronic system used by research personnel and the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the submission and review of research projects that will involve human participants. Individuals who need to use iRIS are strongly encouraged to attend an iRIS training session before using the system for the first time. Please review the training schedule and contact the HSPP at irb@uchc.edu to register for a session. Please register at least five business days prior to the training day.

Individuals affiliated with UConn Health can log in with their UConn Health username and password. Individuals external to UConn Health should go to iRIS and click the Request Account option, being sure to describe why the account is needed.

Per vendor requirements, training guides may not be posted to the web. User manuals can be found in the Help section of iRIS.