uconn health

Research Advisory Groups

The Office of the Vice President for Research’s (OVPR) mission of supporting and advancing faculty research greatly depends on involvement and input from faculty and from UConn’s schools/colleges.  To that end, the Vice President for Research (VPR) has established research advisory groups to facilitate communication and collaboration between the OVPR and stakeholders across the university.  These groups meet regularly to discuss research-related issues that impact UConn/UConn Health faculty and provide opportunities for faculty to convey concerns to the VPR and the OVPR executive team and to work together to identify and implement solutions.

For more information about the Research Advisory Council (RAC) and the Research Deans Council (RDC), please visit the Storrs site.  If you are seeking information about the Health Center Research Advisory Council, you can read more here.


Limited Submission Competitions

Increasingly, funding programs sponsored by federal agencies and private foundations place restrictions on the number of applicants from a single institution who are allowed to submit proposals/applications. These limited submission grants or awards require selection/nomination by the applicant’s host institution before proposals/applications can be submitted. At UConn/UConn Health, the selection process for limited submission awards is facilitated by the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR).

To learn more about the process and to view current limited submission competitions, visit the OVPR Storrs site.

Grantwriting Support Overview

Researchers in all disciplines face a dilemma: grant funding is increasingly necessary for fueling research advances while grants keep getting harder to win. The competitiveness of the grantseeking landscape means that funders can be more selective about funding the projects that most closely align with their goals and mission. It also means that most funders can have a lower tolerance for proposals that distract from the research/scholarship proposed by not following grantwriting best practices.

The good news? There are skills and techniques that faculty can learn that will make their work more attractive to funders.

The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) is pleased to provide a number of training opportunities, resources, and services to help our faculty build these skills and to assist them in producing grant applications that are as compelling as the research activities they propose.

To learn more, visit the OVPR Storrs site.

UConn Microbiome Research Seed Grants

The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) is pleased to announce the UConn Microbiome Research Seed Grant program. In support of the Provost’s Academic Plan Award for the UConn Microbiome Initiative, the OVPR will provide $150,000 per year for 3 years to support innovative and collaborative research proposals that will lead to new proposals for extramural funding in microbiome research.

The program provides short-term (one year) seed funding to encourage novel research projects and spark fresh research collaborations with the goal of growing the capacity of microbiome research community to obtain federal research grants or generate intellectual property in the area of microbiome research.

To learn more about the program, visit the OVPR Storrs site.


Through a generous grant provided by the CT Next Higher Education Fund, the University of Connecticut (UConn) Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) is administering a new early stage translational research funding program called the START Preliminary Proof-Of-Concept (PPOC) Fund. Under the grant, funding will be made available to investigators at Central Connecticut State University (CCSU), Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU), University of Bridgeport (UB) and UConn.

The program aims to support the preliminary validation of innovative early stage technologies that have possible commercial potential and is designed to bring those technologies to a stage that may be more attractive for additional later stage translational funding support. We invite proposals for the START PPOC Fund from across all disciplines for early stage projects that may one day result in inventions and technologies that address unmet needs and have potential for commercial application.
Process and Timeline – The START PPOC Fund competition will accept written proposals on a quarterly basis and selections for funding will be made solely on a review of the written proposals by a selection committee composed of representatives from CCSU, SCSU, UB and UConn.

To learn more about this program, visit the OVPR Storrs site.

Useful Links


Open Source – External Resources & Tools

General Information

What is Open Source?

Open Source Licenses

Overview of Standard/Popular Licenses

Generally Accepted Licenses

Open Source License Selection

Choosing an Appropriate License

License Differentiator – Interactive License Selection Tool

Tabular Comparison of License Terms

Software Licenses in Plain English

License Compatibility

Available Technologies

Over 600 patents have been issued based on UConn technologies. Visit the UConn Innovation Portal to browse UConn technologies available for licensing or call us at 860-679-3992.



Tech Transfer FAQs

Protecting Your IP

What is a patent?

A patent gives the holder the right to exclude others from making, using, selling, offering to sell and importing any patented invention. Note, however, that a patent does not provide the holder any affirmative right to practice a technology, since it may fall under a broader patent owned by others; instead, your patent only provides the right to exclude others from practicing it. Patent claims are the legal definition of an inventor’s protectable invention.

Is there a legal definition of an invention?

The United States patent law requires that an invention meet the following three criteria, in order to be eligible for patent protection:

  • Novelty: The invention must be demonstrably different from already available ideas, inventions or products (known as "prior art"). This does not mean that every aspect of an invention must be novel. For example, new uses of known processes, machines, compositions of matter and materials are patentable. Incremental improvements on known processes may also be patentable.
  • Usefulness: For an invention to be patentable, it must have some utility or application, or be an improvement over the existing products and/or technologies.
  • Non-obviousness: The invention cannot be obvious to a person of "ordinary skill" in the field. Non-obviousness usually is demonstrated by showing that practicing the invention yields surprising, unexpected results.

What is a copyright?

  • A copyright is a form of protection provided by the laws of the U.S. and other countries to the authors of "original works of authorship." This includes literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic and certain other intellectual works as well as computer software. This protection is available to both published and unpublished works. The Copyright Act usually gives the owner of copyright the exclusive right to conduct and authorize various acts, including reproduction, public performance and making derivative works. Copyright protection is automatically secured when a work is fixed into a tangible medium such as a book, software code, video, etc. In the United States, copyright protection lasts the lifetime of the author plus 70 years. In some instances, TCS registers copyrights, but generally not until the commercial product is ready for production and distribution/sale. All new software and source code should be disclosed as with any new invention and will be processed and managed by TCS.

How do I represent a copyright notice?

Although copyrightable works do not require a copyright notice, we do recommend that you use one. For works owned by UConn use the following notice: "© 20XX University of Connecticut. All rights reserved."

What is a trademark or service mark?

A trademark includes any word, name, symbol, device or combination that is used in commerce to identify and distinguish the goods of one manufacturer or seller from those manufactured or sold by others, and also to indicate the source of the goods. In short, a trademark is a brand name.A service mark is any word, name, symbol, device or combination that is used or intended to be used in commerce to identify and distinguish the services of one provider from those of others and to indicate the source of the services. It is not necessary to register a trademark or service mark to prevent others from infringing upon the trademark.

Trademarks generally become protected as soon as they are adopted by an organization and used in commerce (even before registration). With a federal trademark registration, the registrant is presumed to be entitled to use the trademark throughout the U.S. for goods or services for which the trademark is registered. UConn has trademark protection on items such as sports logos, mascots, emblems and images of university events.

Working with Industry

What is a Sponsored Research Agreement?

A university/industry research collaboration is formalized by a Sponsored Research Agreement (SRA). The sponsor and faculty member agree on the specifics of the work and a tentative budget. The final budget and all other aspects of the final contract are negotiated via the Sponsored Program Services (SPS) on the Storrs campus or the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) at the Health Center. The contract addresses a variety of issues including amount of funding, scope of work, IP rights, governing law, etc.

What are Licensing Agreements?

A license grants permission by the owner or controller of intellectual property to another party, under a formal agreement, for use of the intellectual property. License agreements describe the rights and responsibilities related to the use and exploitation of intellectual property developed at UConn. University license agreements usually stipulate that the licensee should diligently seek to bring the intellectual property into commercial use for the public good and provide a reasonable return to UConn. Licenses can be exclusive (only one company/group can make use of the technology during the license period) or non-exclusive (technology can be licensed to others without restriction)

A licensee is chosen based on its ability to commercialize the technology for the benefit of the general public. Sometimes an established company with experience in similar technologies and markets is the best choice. In other cases, the focus and intensity of a startup company is a better option. It is rare for UConn to have multiple potential licensees bidding on an invention.

For more information on Licensing Agreements, contact:

Gregory Gallo, Director of Technology Transfer
(860) 679-8774

Can I share my new idea or invention with industry or other inventors outside of UConn?

Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) or Confidential Disclosure Agreements (CDAs) are used to protect the confidentiality of an invention during evaluation by potential licensees. CDAs/NDAs also protect proprietary information of third parties that UConn researchers need to review in order to conduct research or to evaluate research opportunities. UConn enters into CDAs/NDAs for university proprietary information shared with someone outside of UConn. CDAs/NDAs can be prepared or reviewed and signed by the SPS or TCS.

Can I share and/or accept materials from industry or other researchers outside of UConn?

Yes, but the university must execute a Material Transfer Agreement (MTAs) in each case. MTAs are used for incoming and outgoing materials at UConn, especially for outgoing materials to industry, and are administered by TCS. These agreements describe the terms under which UConn researchers and outside researchers may share materials, typically for research or evaluation purposes. Intellectual property rights can be endangered if materials are used without a proper MTA. Material transfers going out of UConn must be accompanied by a formal agreement that addresses a variety of issues including definition of the materials, ownership, licensing rights, publication, etc. MTAs will be generated, reviewed and negotiated by the Sponsored Program Services (SPS) or Technology Commercialization Services (TCS).

Can I accept a contract from a company to provide non-research services that support their development?

Fee for Services Agreements (FSAs) are used in those cases where UConn may perform service-for-a-fee, which is essentially running previously developed tests on a sponsor’s materials, if such work is consistent with a department’s academic mission, and if UConn is uniquely qualified and positioned to do so. Such work is not research, and fee funds cannot be used to conduct research. The material and data provided, as well as those generated, may be proprietary to the sponsor. A pre-agreed Statement of Work is required, and to avoid problems, the Principal Investigator (PI) should not vary from it or any other relevant agreed upon conditions. FSAs are negotiated by the SPS, or the purchasing department of the Health Center.

Can my industry partner have rights to my IP without taking a license?

Yes through an Option Agreement. Option Agreements are entered into with third parties wishing to evaluate the technology prior to entering into a full license agreement. Option clauses within research agreements describe the conditions under which UConn preserves the opportunity for a third party to negotiate a license for intellectual property. Option clauses are often provided in SRAs to corporate research sponsors.