Name | Training Area | Phone | |
Matt Mroz, PhD | Grantwriting Workshops | 860.486.6378 | |
Erin Ballou | SPS Training – Storrs and Farmington | | |
Brenda Lowther | SPS Training – Storrs and Farmington | | |
SPA Training Team | Generic SPS Training Email | |
SPA Job Aids
SPA Training Program
Sponsored Program Services (SPS) is developing a comprehensive research administration education program. The program will include in-person training sessions, video tutorials, reference guides, and other workshops and events meant to provide support and professional development for research administrators, faculty, and students involved in research.
As the program develops, opportunities will be listed on the links available on the sidebar. Currently there is information in SPA Training Opportunities.
Please send any suggestions or comments to
Export Control Agreements
Export control laws are federal regulations that govern how certain information, technologies, and commodities can be transmitted overseas or to a foreign national on U.S. soil. The scope of the regulations is broad: they cover exports in virtually all fields of science, engineering, and technology and apply to research activities regardless of the source of funding. Failure to comply with these laws can have serious consequences, both for the institution and for the individual researcher. Potential penalties include fines and possibly imprisonment. It is thus critical for UConn Health researchers to understand their obligations under these regulations and to work with Research Compliance Services to ensure that the University is in compliance.
Please visit this section in the Research Integrity & Regulatory Affairs area of the website for more information.
Research Resources
Research Advisory Groups
The Office of the Vice President for Research’s (OVPR) mission of supporting and advancing faculty research greatly depends on involvement and input from faculty and from UConn’s schools/colleges. To that end, the Vice President for Research (VPR) has established research advisory groups to facilitate communication and collaboration between the OVPR and stakeholders across the university. These groups meet regularly to discuss research-related issues that impact UConn/UConn Health faculty and provide opportunities for faculty to convey concerns to the VPR and the OVPR executive team and to work together to identify and implement solutions.
For more information about the Research Advisory Council (RAC) and the Research Deans Council (RDC), please visit the Storrs site. If you are seeking information about the Health Center Research Advisory Council, you can read more here.
Limited Submission Competitions
Increasingly, funding programs sponsored by federal agencies and private foundations place restrictions on the number of applicants from a single institution who are allowed to submit proposals/applications. These limited submission grants or awards require selection/nomination by the applicant’s host institution before proposals/applications can be submitted. At UConn/UConn Health, the selection process for limited submission awards is facilitated by the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR).
To learn more about the process and to view current limited submission competitions, visit the OVPR Storrs site.
Grantwriting Support Overview
Researchers in all disciplines face a dilemma: grant funding is increasingly necessary for fueling research advances while grants keep getting harder to win. The competitiveness of the grantseeking landscape means that funders can be more selective about funding the projects that most closely align with their goals and mission. It also means that most funders can have a lower tolerance for proposals that distract from the research/scholarship proposed by not following grantwriting best practices.
The good news? There are skills and techniques that faculty can learn that will make their work more attractive to funders.
The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) is pleased to provide a number of training opportunities, resources, and services to help our faculty build these skills and to assist them in producing grant applications that are as compelling as the research activities they propose.
To learn more, visit the OVPR Storrs site.
UConn Microbiome Research Seed Grants
The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) is pleased to announce the UConn Microbiome Research Seed Grant program. In support of the Provost’s Academic Plan Award for the UConn Microbiome Initiative, the OVPR will provide $150,000 per year for 3 years to support innovative and collaborative research proposals that will lead to new proposals for extramural funding in microbiome research.
The program provides short-term (one year) seed funding to encourage novel research projects and spark fresh research collaborations with the goal of growing the capacity of microbiome research community to obtain federal research grants or generate intellectual property in the area of microbiome research.
To learn more about the program, visit the OVPR Storrs site.
Through a generous grant provided by the CT Next Higher Education Fund, the University of Connecticut (UConn) Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) is administering a new early stage translational research funding program called the START Preliminary Proof-Of-Concept (PPOC) Fund. Under the grant, funding will be made available to investigators at Central Connecticut State University (CCSU), Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU), University of Bridgeport (UB) and UConn.
The program aims to support the preliminary validation of innovative early stage technologies that have possible commercial potential and is designed to bring those technologies to a stage that may be more attractive for additional later stage translational funding support. We invite proposals for the START PPOC Fund from across all disciplines for early stage projects that may one day result in inventions and technologies that address unmet needs and have potential for commercial application.
Process and Timeline – The START PPOC Fund competition will accept written proposals on a quarterly basis and selections for funding will be made solely on a review of the written proposals by a selection committee composed of representatives from CCSU, SCSU, UB and UConn.
To learn more about this program, visit the OVPR Storrs site.