Dear Colleagues,
It is my pleasure to inform you that we received official notification from the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP) of continuing Full Accreditation for the UConn Health Human Subjects Protection Program. The process to obtain reaccreditation is an important, but complex one, which required team work from many stakeholders. I would like to take this opportunity to thank faculty and staff, IRB members and staff of the HSPP, members of the Scientific Review and Conflicts of Interest committees, Office of Clinical and Translational Research Services, Sponsored Program Services, Research Pharmacy and Research Safety, and many others who are committed to ensuring that we have an outstanding human subjects program every day. They are to be commended for their dedication and efforts in maintaining our continued accreditation. Their work ensures appropriate care of clinical trial participants, which in turn makes possible the high quality research conducted by UConn Health investigators.
Wesley G. Byerly, Pharm.D.
Associate Vice President