Additional Information on Newly Published Research Policies

The newly published policies for Animal Use in Research, Teaching and Testing and Research Involving Human Subjects revise the existing UConn Storrs policies to establish a uniform regulatory compliance statement that applies to all campuses under which the programs at UConn Health and Storrs operate.  A single, overarching policy will help in the development of other policies and procedures to help facilitate cross-campus initiatives.

Key revisions:

  • Clarification of who the policies apply to (both policies)
  • Revisions to definitions to make them consistent with the regulatory definition (both policies)
  • Clarification regarding the role of the Institutional Official and committees (IACUC and IRB)
  • Clarification of the authority of the attending veterinarian to be consistent with regulatory requirements (Animal Use policy)
  • Clarification of the authority of the IRB to be consistent with regulatory requirements (Human Subjects Research policy)
  • Revisions to the enforcement section to make the sections consistent with other university policies (both policies)
  • Updated list of authorities (both policies)


The Human Stem Cell Research policy clarifies and updates the existing University-wide policy regarding the type and scope of research to which the policy applies.


The policy establishes a new University-wide policy to address FDA, NIH and CMS requirements that applicable trials are registered.


Animal Use in Research, Teaching and Testing:

Human Stem Cell Research Approval:

Human Subjects Research:


For additional information, contact Ellen Ciesielski (, 860-679-6004)