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Training for Users of Stem Cells

University policy requires all researchers and research staff, including students, post-docs, visitors, and faculty, to pass the Human Stem Cell Compliance tutorial quiz with 100% accuracy prior to engaging in research. The tutorial is intended to educate researchers on ethical issues associated with hESC and hiPSC research and inform them of relevant institutional, state, and federal policies and procedures.


The tutorial is not required for those conducting in vitro human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) research involving the generation of gametes, embryos, or other totipotent cells. The tutorial is also not required for research that requires SCRO review to secure State of Connecticut funding but otherwise would not fall under SCRO’s jurisdiction (i.e., non-human stem cells, etc.). All other research requires that research staff complete the tutorial prior to beginning work on approved SCRO projects.


To access the tutorial, quiz, and the sheet to record your answers, click on the links below. Return your answer sheet to SCRO Coordinator, Ellen Ciesielski, eciesielski@uchc.edu. You will be notified of your quiz results and receive a certificate upon successful completion.