Here is a list of acronyms used on our website and by the Office of Clinical & Translational Research.
BANNER Financial Reporting System
CDA Confidential Disclosure Agreement
CMP Continuous Monitoring Process
CPOE Computerized Physician Order Entry
CPT Clinical Procedural Terminology. codes for billing purposes
CRC Clinical Research Center
DCRC Dental Clinical Research Center
F & A Facilities & Administrative costs (formerly called “indirect costs”)
FOAPAL Fund-Organization-Account-Program-Activity-Location. The abbreviation for the chart of accounts structure used by the Finance in the BANNER system
HSPO Human Subjects Protection Office
IP Intellectual Property
IPAS Institutional Prior Approval System
IRB Institutional Review Board
JDH John Dempsey Hospital
MAR Medication Administration Record
NCD National Coverage Decision 2000 (Medicare)
NCI National Cancer Institute
NIH National Institutes of Health; “NIH”
OCTR Office of Clinical and Translational Research
PFS Patient Financial Services
PI Principal Investigator
PIC Protocol Induced Costs
POE Physician Order Entry
RA Research Assistant
RAF Research Administration and Finance
RC Routine Clinical Services. new Medicare terminology for Routine Care
RCM Research Compliance Monitor
RFA Research Fiscal Administration
RFC Research Financial Compliance
SC Study Coordinator
SOM School of Medicine
SODM School of Dental Medicine
SPS Sponsored Program Services
T & E Time and Effort
TV Transfer Voucher
UMG UConn Medical Group