Preliminary Report of Audit Findings Based on the Research Financial Compliance Audit, a preliminary report is sent to the principal investigator and s/he is given 30 days to review for accuracy
Violations Major billing financial violations, or substantive systematic deficiencies are reported immediately to the Associate Dean of Clinical Research Planning and Administration
Final Report of Audit Findings
A final audit summary is provided to the principal investigator, with copies to:
Associate Dean of Clinical Research Planning and Administration
Vice President for Research Finance
Vice President of Research Compliance
Director of Sponsored Program Services
Compliance Integrity/Privacy Officer
It includes:
Comments on audit procedure and the findings
Description of deficiencies or violations
Recommendations for corrective action plan, including correcting billing errors
The researcher is given 21 days to respond with a corrective action plan
When the corrective action plan is accepted and implemented and no outstanding items remain
A letter of acknowledgement is sent to the PI and the audit is officially closed
The financial compliance summary form is completed and attached to the file