
Partnering with Industry

The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) is your home for all industry-sponsored research activities.

Contact us.  Bring us in early. We are here to help!

We would like to work with you and your industry partners to ensure that our collaborative research discussions are productive, that negotiations are successful, and that both parties’ needs are met.  We also ensure that agreements are in accordance with University policies and procedures as well as federal regulations and requirements.

We’ve prepared a document that outlines our philosophy and that may be useful to share with your industrial partners.

Cross Campus Proposal Development

Enhancing interdisciplinary research is a strategic goal for the University. An important component of this is the strengthening the inter-campus collaborations between Storrs and UConn Health. We can assist faculty in preparing and submitting externally funded inter-campus proposals and awards.

Because UConn (Storrs) and UConn Health are two separate fiscal entities, proposals seeking extramural funds are administered similar to sponsored activity involving any other inter-institutional collaborations – where one institution serves as the lead applicant and the other consortium partner acts as the subawardee.

At the proposal stage, the external funding agency will typically require a statement of commitment from each collaborating organization to ensure that there is appropriate programmatic and administrative support and oversight.

In order for Sponsored Program Services  (SPS) at Storrs and  Sponsored Program Services (SPS) at UConn Health to approve a Letter of Intent/Consortium Statement, both the lead organization and subawardee proposals need to be routed, reviewed and approved by the respective academic and administrative offices.

  • Lead Organization: One campus is the lead organization; the other campus participating in the project is the subawardee. The decision regarding which campus serves as the lead applicant typically is dictated by the scope of the project – the lead organization performs a substantive role in conducting the project and maintains appropriate oversight of all scientific, programmatic, financial, and administrative matters related to the grant.
  • Budgets: The subawardee’s proposed costs (direct and F&A) get rolled-up into the lead organization’s budget. Each site (Storrs or UConn Health) applies and receives its respective F&A costs. The lead organization waives F&As associated with the first $25K of the inter-campus subaward.  Subawardee personnel cannot be included as personnel in the lead organization’s budget.
  • Internal Review/Approval by the Subawardee Organization: At least 10 business days before the funding agency’s deadline, the subawardee principal investigator needs to submit internal forms (Storrs or UConn Health  routing and significant financial interest, scope of work, budget and budget justification plus any additional documents requested to the subawardee’s sponsored programs office [Storrs SPS or UCH SPS]). After review and approval by that office, the subawardee investigator will submit the approved consortium statement, scope of work, budget and budget justification plus any additional requested documents to the lead organization’s principal investigator.
  • Internal Review/Approval at the Lead Organization: The principal investigator for the lead organization should route the complete application to his/her respective sponsored programs office, using the normal review, compliance, and approval processes and by that office’s stated deadline.

Staff Contacts

Roles and Responsibilities

Subawardee Pre-Award

  • Prepares budget that includes all subawardee costs (direct and F&A), budget justification, scope of work, internal forms, and consortium statement.
  • Routes subawardee’s proposal for internal review/approval and submits to Storrs SPS / UCH SPS for review and approval.
  • Submits subawardee’s proposal (consortium statement, scope of work, budget/ budget justification, etc.) to the lead’s PI for inclusion in the lead’s proposal to be submitted to sponsor.

Lead Applicant Pre-Award

  • Prepares the entire application budget — all lead organization costs, including the subawardee’s budget and lists subawardee as consortium partner.
  • Routes proposal (including subawardee’s budget and consortium statement) through Storrs SPS / UCH SPS for review and approval.
  • Submits proposal to sponsor.
  • Notifies subawardee of sponsoring agency’s funding decision.

Storrs Graduate Students on UConn Health Projects

There is a mechanism in place that allows Storrs graduate students, both US and international, to be paid directly by UConn Health as graduate assistants; there is furthermore a mechanism to allow them to have their tuition waived at Storrs. It is not necessary to use the subaward/project agreement mechanism for use of graduate students on grants.

All graduate students (including those at UCH) are enrolled through the Graduate School at Storrs. The only significant issues in the past had been obtaining tuition waivers for graduate assistants at UCH because of the different financial systems at our campuses. UConn Health’s Human Resources department provides the HR Database of Graduate Assistants to the Bursar’s Office at Storrs a list of all graduate assistants at UCH and they get an automatic tuition waiver similar to graduate assistants at Storrs.

International Students at Storrs are vetted through their International Office while UCH International Students are vetted by Ms. Jaishree Duggal in UConn Health HR. Both office work in concert to ensure compliance with applicable immigration laws. International Students are registered through the SEVIS system operated by the Department of Homeland Security, INS which recognizes the two campuses as separate entities.

Storrs-UConn Health F&A

Because Storrs and UCH are two separate entities both from the standpoint of the state and for federal grants (and have different financial systems), this places us in a situation similar to the University of Maryland, University of Massachusetts and Cornell University. We used the Cornell model to develop guidelines to promote intercampus collaborations between Storrs and UCH and placed them on our web site earlier this year (http://research.uconn.edu/intercampus). This has assisted researchers in understanding the procedures at the other campus and resolved issues that in the past have been a concern.

We currently have a global MOA between Storrs and UCH and create individual agreements for each project. They are simple and are put in place quickly.

Additionally the current practice is for the prime recipient to waive F&As on the first $25K of the sub-award if including them would diminish proposed direct costs.

In situations where amount of project cost funding is capped and the subrecipient’s F&As are included in the total direct costs the subrecipient organization will not include its F&As in the budget. Once awarded, the prime recipient will share its F&As with the subrecipient proportionately to the awarded direct costs. This will be implemented for all future grants.

NIH ERA Commons

The eRA Commons system is an online interface where grant applicants, grantees, and grantor agencies can access and share administrative information relating to research grants as they are received by NIH via Grants.gov. The eRA system allows Principal Investigators to track their applications; view summary statements and score letters; view notice of awards; submit just in time information; access eSNAP Progress Reports, Financial Status Reports and final closeout reports; and no-cost extensions.

SPS provides access to eRA Commons registration, a condition that must be met before initiating a NIH proposal. To register for an eCommons account, you must complete the NIH eCommons Account Registration Form below. If you already have an ID and password, click on the link below to login to eRA Commons.

NIH & Grants.gov

UConn Health is already registered with Grants.gov. Investigators and departmental personnel need not register. NIH provides guidance on submitting applications through Grants.gov at the following sites:


Instructions for Routing NIH Proposals via Grants.gov. Internal paperwork must be routed through SPS before it is submitted electronically through Grants.gov.

  1. The routing process should be initiated 3-5 business days before the deadline date. This allows SPS time to review and approve the proposal prior to submission.
  2. The proposal will not be submitted electronically to NIH until SPS receives, reviews, and approves the complete proposal package, including the routing form, budget, consortium documents, and a copy of the application package (or access to the application in ASSIST).

The PI does not submit the proposal to NIH. Only SPS has the authority to submit the proposal to NIH after receiving full access permission from the PI.

  1. The PI will complete the electronic application and email to preaward@uconn.edu.
  2. SPS will print the application, review for compliance with application instructions and request additional information and/or corrections as necessary.
  3. The PI will be notified when the application has been reviewed and approved.
  4. The final version must be reviewed prior to submission.


The Principal Investigator may submit a draft application to SPS for review and approval. The PI may submit draft attachments in the application for review and continue to update their science during the review process.The final application should be submitted to SPS 2 business days before the deadline date.

Do not wait until the last minute to deliver the final proposal package.

The grants.gov server has been known to “bog down,” particularly on deadline dates. This may result in missing the deadline.

Remember: Submission to Grants.gov and the NIH is a multi-step process. Grants.gov processes a series of validations prior to sending the application to the NIH. NIH, in turn, processes a series of business process validations prior to accepting the application.

A series of email messages will be sent to the PI and SPS when the proposal is submitted via Grants.gov.

The PI must have an eRA Commons account in order for the application to be validated by NIH. Once an application completes validation by Grants.gov, it is sent to the NIH. In order for the application to be validated by the NIH, each PI must have an eRA Commons account (Credential Log-In).

If the application meets NIH validation requirements, the application is posted in eRA eCommons. The PI needs to check the assembled application in eRA Commons to ensure the application is complete and has no system conversion issues. If the application did not meet NIH validation requirements and errors were generated, a corrected application must be submitted prior to the submission deadline. If warnings were generated upon validation and the PI would like to address, the previous application must be rejected and a corrected application must be submitted prior to the submission deadline.


Additional information for NIH submission:

NSF Fastlane

NSF General Instructions

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 “to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense…” it is the funding source for approximately 20 percent of all federally supported basic research conducted by America’s colleges and universities. NSF is the only federal agency whose mission includes support for all fields of fundamental science and engineering, except for medical sciences. It is tasked with keeping the United States at the leading edge of discovery in areas from astronomy to geology to zoology. General information on NSF programs, guidelines and policies can be found on the NSF website.

NSF FastLane

FastLane, NSF’s interactive real-time grant management system, is used to conduct NSF business over the internet. In order to submit proposals to NSF, you must be registered in the FastLane system. If you do not have a FastLane profile and wish to submit an application to NSF, please contact SPS so that a representative can provide you with access to FastLane.  If you already have a username and password, click on the link below to connect to FastLane.

Instructions for Routing NSF Proposals via FastLane

Internal paperwork must be routed through SPS before the proposal is submitted electronically through NSF Fastlane.

  1. The routing process should be initiated 3-5 business days before the deadline date. This allows SPS time to review and approve the proposal prior to electronic submission through NSF FastLane.
  2. The proposal will not be submitted electronically to NSF until SPS receives, reviews, and approves the complete proposal package, including the routing form, budget, consortium documents, and access to the final application in FastLane.

The PI does not submit the proposal to NSF. Only SPS has the authority to submit the proposal through FastLane after receiving full access to the application by the PI (“Allow SRO [Sponsored Research Office] Access).

  • The PI will complete the electronic proposal in Fastlane and “Allow SRO Access”. SPS will review for compliance with proposal guidelines, and request additional information and/or corrections as necessary.
  • The PI will be notified when the application has been reviewed and approved.
  • The PI will notify SPS when the proposal is finalized and is ready for submission.
  • The final version must be reviewed by SPS prior to submission.

Understand the different levels of allowing SRO Access.

Pressing the “Allow SRO Access” button within FastLane directs the PI to a screen entitled “SRO Access Control,” where the PI should choose one of three options:

  1. Allow SRO to only view proposal but not submit.
  2. Allow SRO to view and edit but not submit proposal.
  3. Allow SRO to view, edit and submit proposal.

The third option can be activated by the PI at any stage of the proposal. Selecting the third option will not be interpreted by SPS as a signal to submit the proposal to NSF unless the PI previously indicated otherwise. The PI should contact SPS when the proposal has been finalized and is ready for submission.

The Principal Investigator may continue to edit a proposal after granting SRO Access. Remember: two events need to occur before SPS will submit a proposal to NSF:

  1. SPS must receive and approve the complete proposal package, as described above.
  2. From within the “SRO Access Control” interface, the PI must select the third option, “Allow SRO to view, edit and submit proposal.”

Do not wait until the last minute to deliver the proposal package or “Allow SRO Access.”

The FastLane server has been known to “bog down,” particularly on deadline dates.  This may result in missing the deadline.  An email message will be sent to the PI when the proposal has been submitted via FastLane.

Instructions for Submitting Subawards to NSF

All UConn Health personnel who plan to submit subaward budgets via FastLane must first be registered FastLane users. If you are not a registered user, please contact SPS. Participation as a subawardee entails two distinct administrative responsibilities.

1. FastLane Portion

  • The PI from the Lead Institution assigns a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to the proposal and then shares that PIN and Proposal ID with the UConn Health subaward applicant.
  • The subaward applicant then logs in with last name, NSF ID, FastLane password, and the PIN and Proposal ID#. This provides access to the Lead Institution’s proposal and enables full functionality including the uploading of budgets, letters of support, biographical sketches, etc.

2. UConn Health Portion. In addition to FastLane requirements, the UConn Health subaward applicant is required to submit to SPS for review and approval the routing form, budget and budget justification and scope of work (a narrative description of the subawardee’s role in the lead institution’s project).

NSF & Grants.gov

Unless otherwise specified in a NSF solicitation, applications to NSF may be submitted through Grants.gov in lieu of the NSF FastLane system. However, simultaneously submitted collaborative applications must be submitted via FastLane as Grant.gov does not currently support this functionality. The University of Connecticut is already registered with Grants.gov. Investigators and departmental personnel need not register. NSF provides guidance on submitting applications through Grants.gov at the following sites:

Tips for Successful Submission to NSF via Grants.gov

  • Allow time for editing after submission. An NSF applicant can make changes using the NSF “Proposal File Update” module in FastLane. Changes will automatically be accepted prior to the deadline date.
  • Check for duplicate persons on the SF 424 (R&R) senior/key person form. Applicants should be certain that no name in this section is entered twice.
  • Review the NSF checklist form. The NSF application form includes a detailed application checklist that should be reviewed thoroughly to ensure that all required information is submitted.
  • Always use the organization’s legal name. All references to the organization name should be consistent throughout the application, from the cover page to the other sections listing project/performance site locations.
  • Enter the PI or Co-PI’s name consistently throughout the application. Names entered differently throughout the application cause confusion, and the system is not able to verify whether it is the same individual.
  • Electronic document attachments to the application must be in PDF format using the Adobe Acrobat.

NSF Data Management Plan Requirements

Effective for all new NSF applications received by NSF on and after January 18th, 2011. All applications that lack a data management plan will be returned without review.

Dissemination and Sharing of Research Results

NSF Data Sharing Policy

Investigators are expected to share with other researchers, at no more than incremental cost and within a reasonable time, the primary data, samples, physical collections and other supporting materials created or gathered in the course of work under NSF grants. Grantees are expected to encourage and facilitate such sharing.

NSF Data Management Plan Requirements

Proposals submitted or due on or after January 18, 2011, must include a supplementary document of no more than two pages labeled “Data Management Plan”. This supplementary document should describe how the proposal will conform to NSF policy on the dissemination and sharing of research results.

Requirements by Directorate, Office, Division, Program, or other NSF Unit

For the specific information related to NSF data management plans and Directorate requirements, visit: http://research.uconn.edu/library-services/data-management-plans

  • Data Management Plans for Collaborative Proposals

    Simultaneously submitted collaborative proposals and proposals that include subawards are a single unified project and should include only one supplemental combined Data Management Plan, regardless of the number of non-lead collaborative proposals or subawards included. Fastlane will not permit submission of a proposal that is missing a Data Management Plan. Proposals for supplementary support to an existing award are not required to include a Data Management Plan.

    Data Management & Sharing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (updated November 30, 2010)

Additional information regarding NSF submissions


Grants.gov Proposal Overview

Grants.gov is a website developed by the federal government to be the single portal for submitting grant applications to 26 federal grant-making agencies. Grants.gov lists all federal grant opportunities and provides a mechanism for applying for those opportunities. Grant applications must be submitted through Grants.gov when required by the federal agency program’s guidelines. Applications sent to Grants.gov are then forwarded to the respective agencies.

Early Submission of Proposals is Highly Recommended. By submitting your Grants.gov application early, SPS will be able to help identify problems that can be corrected to allow submission and acceptance of the proposal by Grants.gov. As such, SPS highly recommends that every effort is made to submit your application to our office no less than 5 business days prior to the agency deadline.

Registration. The University of Connecticut is already registered with Grants.gov. Investigators and departmental personnel need not register.

Receive Grant Opportunity Notifications. Use the Email Subscription feature within Grants.gov to register to receive email notifications of new grant postings. Select the appropriate email subscription option. Enter your email address and other required information if applicable. Click the “Subscribe to Mailing List” button.

Find Grant Opportunities. Use the Search Grants feature within Grants.gov to locate possible funding opportunities. Once you have located the opportunity you want to apply to, select and open. Make note of the CFDA and/or solicitation number (also known as Funding Opportunity Number).

Apply for Funding. Use the Apply for Grants feature within Grants.gov to download the application package. First, under “Step 1 Download a Grant Application and Instructions” click the link to verify that your Adobe software version is compatible with Grants.gov, and download the compatible software if the verification feature indicates that your current version is not compatible. Next, click the “Step 1 Download a Grant Application and Instructions” link. Enter the Funding Opportunity Number or CFDA number. Under “Instruction and Application”, click the download link. Download the application instruction and application package to your computer. (Make note of where the file was saved).

Receive Notifications of Changes to Grant Opportunity. To receive notification of any changes to the opportunity enter your e-mail address and submit prior to downloading the application and instructions. You will be e-mailed if the opportunity is changed and republished on Grants.gov before its closing date.

Complete Application Package

  1. Complete the application by filling in the forms and uploading the required attachments into the application package. (Fields required by Grants.gov are highlighted in yellow).  NOTE:  All documents should be converted to PDF using Adobe Acrobat.
  2. Save the application and e-mail it to Sponsored Program Services for review and submission.

Submission of Application. SPS will submit the electronic application through Grants.gov. The application package should be forwarded to SPS 3-5 days prior to the agency deadline along with the routing form, budget, budget justification, project abstract, and any consortium documents.  The PI may submit draft attachments in the application for review and continue to update their science during the review process. The final application should be submitted to SPS no later than noon before the deadline date.

Grants.gov Customer Support. Visit Grants.gov support page for help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Internal Funding Opportunities

The fundamental goals of the Office of the Vice President for Research internal funding support programs are to enhance the research climate at the University of Connecticut by promoting faculty and graduate student research and to help faculty in all disciplines move into a better position to generate external funding for their scholarly and creative activities. In addition to funding opportunities and emergency grant support, the Office of the Vice President provides Research Development Services including grant writing seminars and workshops, proposal development services, and technical assistance.

Overview of FY25 Internal Funding Opportunity Timelines (updated 10/23/24)


Applications open

Applications due

Target for Notifications

SPARK  9/16/2024 10/28/2024 (LOI), 1/20/2025 (Full app by invitation only) 3/2025
REP 9/16/2024 12/16/2024 5/2025
SCHARP 9/16/2024 12/16/2024 5/2025
JEDI  1/6/2025 3/3/2025 6/2025



Table Key:

Complete / not yet open Open for Applications In Review

Coordination with Other Oversight Committees

The SCRO Committee does not replace the oversight of the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC), Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) or Institutional Review Board (IRB), or alter the scope of review of these committees. Protocols that normally require IBC, IACUC and/or IRB approval continue to require these approvals. Investigators have the responsibility of submitting the required documents to the relevant oversight committees. If any component of the research project is conducted at an institution other than UConn, the SCRO Committee must receive documentation that the relevant approvals (IBC, IACUC, or IRB) have been obtained at the institution where the research is conducted.

The SCRO Committee has the final sign-off on stem cell protocol approvals. Final SCRO Committee approval will not be given until the SCRO Committee receives documentation of all required IBC, IACUC and IRB approvals. Continued SCRO approval is contingent upon all other relevant approvals being current. Parallel review with the SCRO Committee and the IRB, IBC or IACUC is permitted. Investigators may submit their protocol applications to the SCRO Committee while IRB, IBC or IACUC approval is pending or after it is granted.

  • IBC: All use of recombinant DNA or hazardous biological materials (human cells) must be approved by the Institutional Biosafety Committee at the campus where the research will be conducted.
  • IACUC: All use of animals must be approved by the IACUC at the campus where the research will be conducted.
  • IRB: Because oversight issues of the IRB and the SCRO Committee are intertwined, it is recommended that the IRB and SCRO Committee reviews occur in parallel. Approval must be obtained from the IRB at the campus where the research will occur. Investigators should submit a copy of their IRB application to the SCRO Committee along with their SCRO Committee application. A UConn IRB must review and approve stem cell research protocols for:
    • Informed consent for the donation of human embryos, gametes, or somatic cells from human subjects to UConn researchers;
    • Receiving and coding for human biological materials with personal donor identifiers;
    • Implanting stem cells into human subjects.


    Documentation for acquired cells

    All stem cell projects are required to have proper documentation for the hESC and hiPSC lines that faculty plan to use before the SCRO Committee can provide final approval.

    • Cells derived at another institution or outside UConn require an executed Material Transfer Agreement (MTA).
    • Cells coming from the UConn Stem Cell Core facility but developed and owned elsewhere such as the WiCell Stem Cell Bank lines that are banked at the Core require a shortened Materials Transfer Agreement (MTA) known as a Short Letter Agreement (SLA). The procedures for obtaining these cells and the required documentation are detailed on the Core website: https://health.uconn.edu/stem-cell-core/services/distribution-of-human-pluripotent-stem-cell-lines/.
    • Investigators who plan to use hESC/iPSC lines that have not been previously approved by the UConn SCRO Committee must provide documentation of their provenance and their ethical derivation. This documentation includes:
      • A copy of the fully executed Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)
      • Evidence of IRB approval at the relevant institution
      • Documentation of the informed consent process in sufficient detail to allow for evaluation of conformity with State of Connecticut Regulations, National Academy of Science Guidelines, and standards of the UConn SCRO Committee and IRB.

    SCRO Contacts

    Name Title Phone Email
    Audrey R. Chapman, PhD Chair, SCRO Committee 860.679.1590 achapman@uchc.edu
    Ellen Ciesielski SCRO Coordinator 860.679.6004 eciesielski@uchc.edu


    SCRO Committee Members

    Audrey R. Chapman, PhD, Committee Chair, Professor, School of Medicine, Public Health Sciences

    Peter Barwick, MD, Physician (retired), Community Member

    Eric Bernstein, JD, EdD, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, School of Dental Medicine

    Stephen Clark, PhD, Associate Professor Emeritus, School of Dental Medicine, Genetics and Genome Sciences

    Caroline Dealy, PhD, Associate Professor, School of Dental Medicine, Craniofacial Sciences

    Jaime Imitola, MD, Vice Chair of Research in Neurology, School of Medicine

    James Mulrooney, PhD, Dean, Professor,  Central Connecticut State University, Biomolecular Science

    Leonard Paplauskas, UConn Health, Associate Vice President, Research Administration (retired)

    Ted Rasmussen, PhD, Associate Professor, UConn, Pharmaceutical Sciences

    Ernst Reichenberger, PhD, Professor, School of Dental Medicine, Center for Regenerative Medicine and Skeletal Development

    Richard Tombaugh, PhD, Theologian, Community Member

    Isolde Bates, ex officio member, Business Services Manager, Genetics and Genome Sciences

    Maureen Sansone, ex officio member, IRB Administrator, The Jackson Laboratory

    Ellen Ciesielski, SCRO Coordinator, UConn Health, Research Integrity & Compliance

    SCRO Policies, Regulations & Guidance

    For a detailed description of UConn/UConn Health SCRO Committee policies, please consult the SCRO Policy Manual document.


    For additional resources, please check out the following links: