• uconn health
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Sponsored Program Administration (SPA) Archive


    • Agenda
      • Export Control Overview – Mike Shelton
      • Banner 9 upgrade
      • Post-award
        • FY 2024 NRSA Stipend / Tuition levels
        • Year End Reminders
        • Quick hits – Travel Authorizations
      • Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Program
      • SPA Training – June meeting


    • Agenda
      • Foreign Travel / Export Control Updates – Mike Shelton and Bieu Tran
      • Pre-award 
        • Federal Sponsor Updates ​- NSF
      • Post-award
        • 2023 Single Audit
        • FY 2024 NRSA Stipends – NOT-OD-24-059
        • Banner Upgrade
        • P-Card Review



  • February 21, 2024 – Presentation Slides
    • Agenda
      • SPA Training announcements
      • Pre-award
        • Understanding NIH Application/Grant Numbers
        • NIH Guidance on Marking Changes in Resubmission Applications
        • NIH/DHHS Salary Limitation 2024
        • Delegations in eRA Commons and RPPR Privileges
        • Reports Due to Sponsor
      • Post-award
        • EPAFs, Tips, Tricks & Reminders
        • Award Budget Reminder – Travel


  • January 17, 2024 – Presentation Slides
    • Agenda
      • SPA Training announcements
        • New On-Demand e-learning modules
        • SPA Training Resources
      • Pre-award
        • Federal Sponsor Updates – NIH
        • NIH Letters of Support
        • OVPR Proposal Submission Policy
        • Fellowship Applications – Submission Policy
      • Post-award


  • November 15, 2023 – Presentation Slides
    • Agenda
      • InfoEd version 13 (v13) Portal View
      • Research Finance – F & A Base Year Follow-Up
        • Tracking Students & Unpaid Occupants
        • Preliminary Inventory Review
      • Pre-award
        • NIH Foreign Subrecipients – access to documents requirement
      •  Post-award
        • Cost Transfer Best PracticesSPA Training
      • SPA Training
        • NCURA Region 1 – Spring meeting
        • Resources
        • December SPA


  • October 18, 2023 – Presentation Slides
    •  Agenda
      • Introducing the DMPTool – Adria Barbano, Academic IT Services
      • Research Finance
        • Reallocating Grant Fringe Budgets
        • F & A Proposal- Base Year 2024
      • Pre-award
        • Changes to DSMP – Prior Approval
        • Sample Routing Documents
        • Proposal and Award Budget Templates
        • Proposal Submission Policy
        • New administrative staff – email lists
        • Inform Your Faculty – reminder
        • Cost Share Approval
        • IBC and ICUC Grant Congruence Review Process Change
      • Post-award
        • F & A on Sponsored Projects
      • SPA Training resources


  • September 20, 2023 – Presentation Slides
    • Agenda
      • Pre-award
        • DMPTool
        • NIH RPPR – Section D
        • NIH Data Management and Sharing Costs
        • NIH – Hyperlinks Unallowable
        • PI Eligibility – Fellowship Applications
        • Proposal and Award Budget Templates
        • Inform Your Faculty
        • Research Fringe Benefits rates
        • AMS Updates
      • Post-award
        • Reminders and New Processes for Better Documenting Cost Allocation
        • Consulting Invoice Checklist
        • Procurement/Contracts Information Session – 10/30, 1:00 p.m., Keller Auditorium
      • SPA Training – Upcoming classes


  • May 17, 2023 – Presentation Slides
    • Agenda
      • Introduction – Bernard Cook, School of Medicine
      • Updates to Funding Opportunity Terminology
      • Policy – Qualifying Submissions
      • Change to NIAMS Participation in NIH Parent R21 Announcements
      • Year-End Reminders
      • Training – class attendance
      • Upcoming training classes


  • April 19, 2023 – Presentation Slides
    • Agenda
      • eRA Commons News – Redesigned xTRAIN
      • Compliance Reminder
      • NIH Other Support Reminders
      • IPR Compliance Crosswalk
      • SPS Staffing Update
      • 75521 Computing Devices – Guidance
      • AMS Events
      • SPA training – upcoming classes


  • March 15, 2023 – Presentation Slides
    • Agenda
      • NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy – Reminders
      • Proposal Tips and Tricks
        • Indirect Costs on Cost-Shared Expenses
        • Participant Support vs. Human Subjects Payments
      • SPS Staffing Update
      • Pre-Award Requests
      • LDCA’s
      • Account Code 75520
      • SPA Training – upcoming classes


  • February 22, 2023 – Presentation Slides
    • Agenda
      • Proposal Submission Policy
      • Assist Applications
      • eRA Commons Accounts – Personal Profile
      • UCH as a subrecipient – reminders
      • NSF Safe & Inclusive Workspaces – New Requirement
      • NSF Audit Reminders
      • FY 2023 NRSA Stipend/Tuition Levels
      • Student Fees
      • No Cost Extensions – Best Practices
      • New Policies and where to find them 
      • CRA study group
      • SPA Training Job Aids


      • January 25, 2023 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Confidentiality Agreements and Non-Disclosure Agreements
          • SPS Staff Updates
          • NIH Data Sharing and Management Plan Requirement
          • NIH/DHHS Salary Limitation 2023
          • NIH Project Roles
          • Eligibility to Serve as PI
          • Proposal Tips and Tricks – Cash vs. In-Kind Cost Share
          • SPA Training Updates


      • November 16, 2022 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • InfoEd updates
          • OVPR Proposal Submission Policy
          • Sample Routing Documents
          • Proposal Routing Requirements Checklist
          • ABP/Other Bonuses
          • A/P Invoicing
          • Subaward Requests in HuskyBuy
          • AMS Events Module
          • SPS Updates
          • Overview of Agreements reviewed/negotiated by Contracts Group
          • SPA Training Announcements and Updates


      • October 19, 2022 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • IRB Presentation – Mayra Cagganello
          • NASA Certification
          • NIH Data Sharing & Management Plan
          • Contract Submission Reminders
          • Annual Data Report
          • SPA Training – upcoming classes


      • September 21, 2022 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Environmental Health and Safety Updates
          • Grants.gov Downtime
          • NIH Genomic Data Sharing
          • NCI Minimum Level of Effort
          • NSF Fastlane
          • Mobile Device Management
          • Contract Services Group – updates
          • SPA Training Updates


      •  June 22, 2022 – Presentation Slides
        •  Agenda
          • Accounting for Costs – UG, CAS, HuskyBuy/Banner
          • DHHS F & A Rate Agreement
          • eRA Commons Enhancements
          • Proposal Budget Template
          • SPS Personnel Updates
          • SPS Contact Assignments
          • Greenphire update


      • May 18, 2022 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • SPA Announcement
          • June 2022 Updated RPPR Module and Instructions
          • Internal Routing and Submission Deadlines
          • Contracted Salary Increases – Budgets for Proposals
          • Institutional Base Salary
          • FY 2022 NRSA Stipend/Tuition Levels


      • April 20, 2022 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • HuskyBuy Invoice Approval Automation
          • Year end calendar
          • New onboarding process for unpaid experiential
          • AMS go-live update
          • Personnel changes
          • New fringe benefits rates to use for budgeting
          • Proposal Routing – Documents and Timeline
          • Flatten PDFs – JIT and RPPR


      • March 16, 2022 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • 50K Program
          • SPA Training updates – website updates and new Level One Basics class
          • DocuSign updates
          • DocuSign – resource discussion
          • Other Support/In Kind Support FAQ’s



      • January 19, 2022 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • F&A Rate Agreement Renewal
          • SPA Training
          • NIH Era Commons Id For All Senior/Key Personnel
          • NIH Submission Of Inclusion Enrollment Data
          • NIH Annotated Forms G Set
          • NIH Pre- And Post-Award Disclosures
          • NIH Grants Policy Statement
          • Uncashed Checks
          • FDP Clearinghouse




      • October 20, 2021 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Research Development Services
          • Banner 9 Upgrade
          • Fall 2021 NIH Virtual Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration Registration
          • eRA Commons Enhancement for Submit Reference Letter Screen
          • Change to NIDCD Admin Reduction Guidance for Modular R01 Awards
          • Proposal Dashboard Update
          • Effort Certification After End Date
          • Black Friday Update


      • September 15, 2021 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Fall 2021 NIH Virtual Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration Registration
          • Unique Entity Identifier for Federal Sponsors
          • NIH Updated Policy for Family Leave and Unpaid Leave for Extramural Loan Repayment Program
          • NSF Website Enhancements
          • Extending the Special Exception to the NIH/AHRQ/NIOSH Post Submission Material Policy During COVID-19
          • NSF Pre-Award and Post Award Disclosures Related to the Bio-Sketch
          • Scope of Work Change
          • Approved Fringe Benefit Rates for 2022


      • June 15, 2021 – Presentation Slides
        •  Agenda
          • Institutional Base Pay
          • NSF Publications Repository Changes
          • New NIH Inbox for Biographical Sketch and Other Support Questions
          • Revised NIH Grants Policy Statement
          • eRA Commons Expanding Requirements for IDs
          • What’s an Application Packet and When is it Needed
          • Proposal Submission 9:00 am Due Date


      • May 19, 2021 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Biosafety Cabinet Certifications
          • Year End Reminders
          • Proposal Submission Policy Timeline and Reminders
          • Fringe Benefit Rates
          • NIH Biographical Sketch and Other Support
          • Training Reminders


      • April 21, 2021 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Research Development Services Overview
          • Salary Cap
          • American Heart Association Carryover and No Cost Extension Updates and Reminders
          • Publications and Printing Costs on Sponsored Awards
          • IPR Routing Tips
          • eRACommons Phasing Out Internet Explorer
          • Redesigned RePORTTool
          • eRACommons Login Tip
          • NIH Biographical Sketch and Other Support




      • December 16, 2020 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Foreign Influence – Wesley Byerly
          • OCTR Manager Change
          • January Federal Costing Principles Module
          • SPA Meeting Calendar Request
          • ERA Commons Update
          • Proposal Submission Policy



      • October 21, 2020 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Proposal Process – Under Development
          • F&A on Projects of $50K or Less
          • Sabbatical
          • Principal Investigator Eligibility
          • Use of Hypertext in NIH Grant Applications
          • NIH Virtual Seminar
          • OVPR Website
          • Subaward Invoice Review
          • Effort Reporting During Covid


      • July 29, 2020 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • NIH updates
          • NSF changes to award terms and conditions
          • Spotlight on the new guidance for expenditures on sponsored awards
          • NSF audit findings discussion
          • Use of ASSIST
          • gov resources
          • Training videos
          • Learn grants
          • Visa costs
          • Human subject participant payments


      • June 24, 2020 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • OMB Expired Administrative Flexibilities
          • HR Guidance Regarding Pay and Telecommuting
          • Expenditures on Sponsored Awards Guidance
          • Changes in HSS Post-Submission Updates with Forms-F
          • PHS Human Subjects & Clinical Trials Information Form
          • NIH, AHRQ, and NIOSH Updates
          • Budgeting for Fringe Benefits on Sponsored Programs Updates


      • May 26, 2020 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Year-end Processing
          • New Fringe Benefits Rates
          • NIH Transition to Forms F
          • COVID-related Information in RPPRs
          • Requisitions needing SPS approval
          • PPE Purchases


      • April 16, 2020 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • COVID-19 Information 
          • Unique Entity Identifier 
          • NIH Updates 
          • NSF Updates 
          • FCOI Update 
          • Budget and Justification 
          • End of Grant 
          • Program Income 
          • Cost Transfers 
          • Subaward Invoice Review 
          • Fringe Rates 
          • Questions 


      • February 18, 2020 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda:
          • Infographics Overview
          • NIH Applications
          • Change in Submission Deadlines and End of Recent Substantial Service Option
          • Guidance on Video Submission
          • SPS Routing Deadlines
          • Certificate of Confidentiality
          • Issuance of a Revised NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide
          • DHHS Salary Cap
          • NRSA Stipend/Tuition Levels
          • Cost Transfer Update
          • Question from the audience – Can you charge travel on a grant if not originally in the budget?


      • January 14, 2020 (there were no meetings in November or December, 2019) – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda:
          • May 2020 SPA Location Change
          • NIH Public Access Policy
          • IPAS Rebudget Requests
          • NIH Multiple PI Certification
          • NIH Human Subjects Decision Tool
          • FDP Expanded Clearinghouse
          • ORCiD
          • NIH Submission Policies


      • October 15, 2019 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • NSF Audit
          • New IPR Form
          • IPR Highlight
          • Effort on Federal Projects
          • NIH Update
          • SPS UConn Health Budget Templates
          • Human Subjects Research
          • New IPAS Form
          • Change to Project Agreement Issuance


      • September 17, 2019 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Draft FDA Guidance with Dr. Wesley Byerly
          • Fringe Benefits
          • Use of Research Labs
          • UConn Health OVPR Costs
          • Training Updates
          • Pre-Award Updates
          • NIH Other Support
          • NIH HFT Use
          • ORCiD ID
          • Sponsor Invoicing
          • Cost Transfers
          • Team Structure in SPS
          • SPS Policy Updates


      • May 28. 2019 – Presentation Slides and Compliance Slides
        • Agenda
          • CRA Study Group Update
          • UCH Compliance Group (see compliance slides)
          • Year End Processes
          • 7630 Account Category
          • Fringe Benefit Rates
          • Salary Cap Updates


      • April 30, 2019 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Year End Dates
          • Redesigned eRAWebsite
          • NIH Funding Strategies
          • Fringe Benefit Rates
          • Salary Cap Updates


      • March 26, 2019 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Grant Writer Kit Bonin
          • Training Update
          • OIG Audit Overview
          • NIH Updates
          • Raises in July


      • January 15, 2019 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Training Update
          • Export Control
          • Fly America Act
          • NIH Updates


      • November 27, 2018 – Presentation Slides
      • NIH Handouts
        • Agenda
          • New Website
          • Training Update
          • Review of FDP Agreement Request Form
          • AMS Updates
          • Transfer Vouchers
          • Decoding NIH Grant Numbers (see NIH handouts)
          • Sponsor Updates: NIH and NSF
      • October 23, 2018 – Presentation Slides
        • Agenda
          • Training Update
          • New Website
          • Review of new ICF
          • Procurement and Sole Sourcing
          • Process for Contracts and Subawards
          • Effort Reporting
          • New F&A Agreement
          • Sponsor Updates: NSF, NIH, and DOD