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    In-person RCR Training

    Approved Department-Sponsored RCR Courses

    Some departments may require that all of their students take an RCR course, regardless of involvement in federally sponsored research. Department-sponsored RCR courses must be approved by the Office of the Vice President for Research. In addition, GRAD 5910: Responsible Conduct in Research, is a 1-credit graduate course offered every semester which satisfies the RCR requirement. Please be advised that there is a mandatory in-person course participation requirement for this course.

    Fall semester:

    Catalog Number Class Number Topic
    GRAD 5910-001 3927 D. McDonald – Responsible Conduct in Research

    Spring semester:

    Catalog Number Class Number Topic
    GRAD 5910-001 7292 D. Daggett – Responsible Conduct in Research

    The following course is also available to be taken throughUConn Health:

    Catalog Number Class Number Topic
    MEDS 5310 1022 B. Kream – Responsible Conduct in Research
    For questions related to RCR training requirements, contact Ellen Ciesielski in the RCR Office.