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    2025 February RCR Series

    The 2025 Face-to-Face RCR Training Session Series will be hosted throughout the month of February, presented live via WebEx. All sessions are 1-hour long, including both presentation and discussion/Q&A. To comply with NIH’s RCR training policy, you will need to attend at least 8 hours of unique presentation material. Each topic will be presented two times in February on different days of the week/time of day in order to accommodate different class/professional schedules (i.e., the same presentation will not be offered on two Tuesdays at 10 a.m.). You must register for 8 unique sessions, so be careful not to register for two sessions with the same name. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email. If you have any questions or concerns regarding registering for the presentations, please contact Research Compliance Monitor, Ellen Ciesielski at

    Please note: Sessions start promptly. Latecomers risk not receiving credit.

    Date  Time  Session Name  Presenter  Sign-Up Link 
    February 3, 2025 11:00 AM Conflicts of Interest in Research Dr. Gus Fernandez-Wolff, Research Compliance Monitor COI Session 1
    February 4, 2025  2:00 PM  Biosafety: Regulations or Guidelines?  David Cavallaro, Biological Safety Manager  Biosafety Session1 
    February 5, 2025  10:00 AM  Ethics in the Use of Animal Subjects in Research  Alison Pohl, IACUC Administrator  IACUC Session 1 
    February 6, 2025  3:00 PM  Peer Review  Dr. Laura Haynes, Professor of Immunology, UConn Health  Peer Review Session 1 
    February 7, 2025  11:00 AM  Best Practices in Data Management for Responsible Research  Renée Walsh, STEM Librarian, UConn Library  Data Mgmt Session 1 
    February 10, 2025  10:30 AM  Peer Review  Dr. Laura Haynes, Professor of Immunology, UConn Health  Peer Review Session 2 
    February 11, 2025  11:00 AM  Managing Mentoring and Peer Relationships  Cinnamon Adams, University Ombuds  Mentor Session 1 
    February 13, 2025  1:00 PM 


    Plagiarism and Proper Citation  Jason Nicosia, Associate Systems and Technology Administrator, UConn Health Library  Plagiarism Session 1 
    February 18, 2025  3:00 PM  Managing Mentoring and Peer Relationships  Cinnamon Adams, University Ombuds  Mentor Session 2 
    February 19, 2025  11:00 AM  Biosafety: Regulations or Guidelines?  David Cavallaro, Biological Safety Manager  Biosafety Session 2 
    February 20, 2025  3:00 PM  Research Misconduct Case Studies  Joan Levine, MPH, CIP, Education & QA/QI Specialist  Misconduct Session 1 
    February 21, 2025  10:00 AM  Plagiarism and Proper Citation  Jason Nicosia, Associate Systems and Technology Administrator, UConn Health Library  Plagiarism Session 2 
    February 24, 2025  3:00 PM  Best Practices in Data Management for Responsible Research  Renée Walsh, STEM Librarian, UConn Library  Data Mgmt Session 2 
    February 25, 2025  10:00 AM  Ethics in the Use of Animal Subjects in Research  Alison Pohl, IACUC Administrator  IACUC Session 2 
    February 25, 2025  2:00 PM  Conflicts of Interest in Research Dr. Gus Fernandez-Wolff, Research Compliance Monitor COI Session 2
    February 28, 2025  11:00 AM  Research Misconduct Case Studies  Joan Levine, MPH, CIP, Education & QA/QI Specialist  Misconduct Session 2 

    For questions related to RCR training requirements, contact Ellen Ciesielski in the RCR Office.