Individual Financial Conflict of Interest in Research Committee
- The UConn Health Individual Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research Committee (Individual FCOIRC) is a faculty committee with responsibility for the identification and management of individual financial conflicts of interest as relates to the conduct of research at UConn Health. The Individual FCOIRC includes broad representation of the UConn Health community.
- All UConn Health investigators are required to submit a financial disclosure electronically in the UConn Health InfoEd External Interests / FCOI & FCO system:
- The Individual FCOIRC meets regularly to review financial disclosures, identify individual financial conflicts of interest (FCOIs) in the conduct of research, and to assign appropriate management or mitigation plans for identified FCOIs.
Institutional Financial Conflict of Interest in Research Committee
- The UConn Health Institutional Financial Conflict of Interest in Research Committee (Institutional FCOIRC) identifies and manages institutional financial conflicts of interest in research as relates to: (1) the institution; and (2) Institutional/Covered Officials (IOs/COs) with: (a) authority or responsibility for research programs, research administration, or research funding, or (b) a position of authority (direct or indirect) over the conduct of research. The Institutional FCOIRC includes broad representation of the campus community.
- All UConn Health IOs and COs identified on the list maintained by the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) are required to submit a financial disclosure in the UConn Health InfoEd Financial Interests [FCOI] system. Individuals who have more than one role at UConn Health (e.g., Investigator and IO) are only required to submit one disclosure in the UConn Health InfoEd Financial Interests [FCOI] system. The one disclosure covers the requirements of both Committees.
- The Institutional FCOIRC meets regularly to review financial disclosures, identify institutional financial conflicts of interest (FCOIs) in research, and to assign appropriate management or mitigation plans for identified FCOIs.