Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) Public Accessibility Request Form Welcome to the FCOI Public Accessibility Request form. Please complete this form to request information on a FCOI indentified on or after 8/24/12 related to Senior/Key investigators associated with a Public Health Service (PHS) funded award. If you need assistance in identifying the sponsor's award number and/or precise spelling of the Senior/Key investigator's name, please access the National Institutes of Health's RePORT tool for assistance at: or Please enter the information below. Required fields necessary to process your request are marked (*):Part A. Information About YouYour Full Name* First Last Your Email Address* Enter Email Confirm Email Part B. Information About Your RequestPHS Award Number*Format: 1R01CA012345-01PHS Project TitleSenior/Key Investigator's Name* First Middle Last Reason for request*Attestation*By checking the below box, I confirm that I am a member of the public requesting access to the above information. Yes CAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.